Home Inspirational Dare To Discover -Gracious Akintayo

Dare To Discover -Gracious Akintayo


Dare to Discover

By Gracious Akintayo

Until you discover and believe in yourself, you will continue to live as a mediocre, hypocrite and pretender without purposeful life.

You don’t have a mate or competitor, so STOP comparing yourself with others. You are unique, not useless!

DON’T be a mediocre, a pretender or photocopy; be the original, believe in you; encourage and challenge yourself.

You’re uniquely designed, created and positioned by God for a purpose to fulfill on earth. The world is waiting for you, you have what the world need which no one has.

STOP looking down on yourself or sympathetic with yourself, neither allow people’s pity on you. You’re a subject to be envied and not for you to envy others.

Your background does not determined your foreground, your present situation or position does not determine your future solution or destination, likewise, circumstances are stepping stones to the place of your purpose and where you are now is not as important to where you’re going with where God is taking you to.

Like Jabez, Jacob, Joshua, Daniel, Esther, Deborah, Naomi, Dorcas and Mary Magdalene and many others in the Bible history, dare to discover yourself, your purpose, pursue your life dreams and live a fulfilling life.

Until you discover, you cannot recover. Discovery stirs you to pursuit and pursuit leads you to recovery. A life without discovery to pursue and recover is a life without purpose.

-Psm. 139: 14; 1Ptr. 2: 9-10.

Father, in the name of Jesus, help me to discover myself in you that I may pursue my purpose for your glory.