Home Inspirational Facts of Life Inspirational: #FactsOfLife

Inspirational: #FactsOfLife


Inspirational: #FactsOfLife

TAKE AWAY!  By Rev. Femi Adepoju

“You are only a guarantee of God’s protection when you are in your place of grace. When you leave, struggle takes over.”

“When you are in a position of accountability, stay focused.”

“What you believe is the vehicle to your arrival.”


Hard knocks

By Min. Mike Oyegun

“It doesn’t matter who spoke first or any dreaded, fearful and destructive prophecy against you, nor any situation and circumstances against your life. But when God speaks last and moves, that will be the final.”

“Develop a quality and unbroken relationship with God – refusing your distractions to distract you from your dedication to God.”

“Don’t take the place of God in your life, allow Him to prove Himself in your life.”

“Don’t be a theoretical and irresponsible Christian. Be a practical and responsible Christian.”

“Develop an unshakeable belief in the faithfulness of God on what He can do and not on what anyone or thing can do.”

“Faith failure kills faster than heart failure -don’t leave your heart carelessly open for the enemy.”

Encourage, Support and People! By Gracious Akintayo

Don’t joke or jest at anyone’s sad situation nor look down on them today. You may end up looking up to them tomorrow.

It is only God, Who has the ability to decide tomorrow and predict the future. No one has the power.

He turns the bad to good, the unfortunate to fortunate, the worst to best, the useless to useful and the shame to fame.