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Turn The Misery of 2020 TO A Breakthrough in 2021! -Babatunde Olugboji


Turn The Misery of 2020 TO A Breakthrough in 2021! -Babatunde Olugboji

Welcome to the second week of 2021. Here are some pointers to what you should aim at doing this year, for the year to be your best year ever.

Every experience should create a new experience of something better. In other words, 2021 is an opportunity to use the roadblocks of 2020 as stepping-stones and become better. When Moses was herding sheep on the backside of the desert, he faced a choice: to remain a shepherd of sheep, cattle, and bulls, or be used by God to shepherd his people out of bondage.

Moses did not dwell on the stress of working for his father-in-law taking care of animals, he chose to pour his experience leading animals to leading the Israelites out of Egypt. There are experiences, some of them unpleasant, you need to call on, things you went through last year, and apply them to your situation this year, to do great and mighty things. Losing a job could provide the opportunity to transition to a new career or going out and getting a better job. It could be the jolt you need.

Covid-19 has upended the way we do many things and for your breakthrough in 2021, you must key into the new normal. Telecommuting, teleconferencing, zooming, etc. will not go away in a hurry. How are you going to ensure that you stay on top of your game?

Fellowshipping with the saints is largely going to continue online. You have to contend with the fact that you may have to connect with your favorite prophet virtually, that he may not be able to lay hands on you as often as you would have liked. You may not like it, but you may have to anoint yourself with oil. Be intentional on how to meaningfully engage with other believers.

Stretch your knowledge to change your thinking. “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and left; your descendants will dispossess the nations and inhabit the desolate cities. (Is 54:2). Do not be satisfied with where you are. Are there new things to learn in 2021? Is there a new mentality you need to acquire? Is it time to get rid of your ‘it is not possible’ attitude?

Spend this month filling out your 2021 calendar with things that will stretch your knowledge. Not just the Bible. See things in different light. Maybe you need to go to school, read more books, have a ‘things to do list,’ or be better organized?

Identify 2020 time wasters and avoid them like a plague this year. Are there some things or people that really wasted your time in 2020? Watching soap operas? Social media? Hobbies like playing word puzzle are great but spending hours and hours on such hobbies adds very little to you. Are there some friends you need to delete? Minimize the number of people in your kitchen cabinet. Even Jesus had only three of the 12 disciples in his inner circle.

Be wise and the God of wisdom will make this year your best year ever.

Have a great week and a good year ahead!

Kingdom Dynamics, a weekly column is written by Dr. Babatunde Olugboji, the President, Kingdom House, a non-profit organization in New Jersey, USA.