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R E L I G I O N – The Decoy! By Segun Tewogbola


R E L I G I O N – The Decoy! By Segun Tewogbola 

‘And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.’ – Genesis 3:7/8 (KJV)

Oftentimes, we see what we are looking for, but we do not see what we are looking at. This is the story of mere religion which originated from Adam and Eve at the Garden East of Eden.

Let me quickly tell you what religion does to any man (or woman). Calm down and think, why would Adam and Eve cover their nakedness, was there someone looking at their naked body? Okay if there was no one else, were they covering their nakedness from God?

How long can the fig leave last on them before they wither off? My friend, when you compare your white garment to that of your neighbor, you may feel better because yours is whiter – That is religion!

But when you compare your white garment to that of the Almighty God, you are humbled – That is Spiritual!

Where God is looking for a relationship, man will hide himself away into deep religion. God never gave any Religion to Adam but gave him a task (job) and demanded a Relationship from him.

Religion will always make you feel good about yourself when compared to others. It brings you to the state of pseudo – satisfaction, and you get stuck on the same spot of your annual religious ritual.

Adam and Eve would have used all the fig leaves in the garden if not for God Who came with the coat of skin (Salvation) to replace the almost withered fig leaves (religion) on their bodies.

The Prayers of the Pharisee and of the Tax Collector in the Temple (Parable) was a type and shadow of religion and spirituality. The Pharisee sipped his happiness from the comparisons he made with the Tax Collector.

Like Adam and Eve, the religious minds are much concern about how people see them than how God sees them. They know they are sinners, but they are more concern and are absorbed by the accolades and the praises of men.

Instead of people receiving the Holy Spirit as in the days of the Apostles, people are now filled with the Religious Spirit – we see them everywhere.

It’s going to be difficult to call a religious pretender into repentance and into salvation. Except you allow the truth in your innermost part, this decoy called Religion is ready to take you away. Take Heed!

My friend, as an antichrist is to Christ, so is religion to Salvation. Contrary to the popular opinion, as antichrist stands instead of Christ, so does religion instead of Salvation! 

Do not allow the Devil to rejoice upon your ignorance, receive the light of Salvation and cut off the middlemen.

Preparing the Bride

Pastor Segun Tewogbola is a Bible teacher with the gift of revelational knowledge and dimensional prophetic ministry. He is a sought after conference speaker of note and currently, the President & Overseer of Kingdom Truth For All Nations, USA, a global ministry dedicated to prepare the bride for the return of Jesus Christ.

Kingdom Truth For All Nations

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