Home News Church PRISONERS OF HOPE By Segun Tewogbola

PRISONERS OF HOPE By Segun Tewogbola


PRISONERS OF HOPE By Segun Tewogbola

“As for thee also, by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee;”

                                              – Zechariah 9:11/12

This article is to provoke some people into a resolute stand with God for His faithfulness.

Friends, your hopelessness and helplessness can be converted into a positive energy if you can see God in His full regalia of faithfulness.

To take a risk in life is better than to withdraw from life. Trusting God in the midst of many odds is a risk which translates into faith.

The world called it risk, the believers called it faith, yet it has similar or same elements. The three Hebrews boys took a risk by daring the King, but we say it was their faith in God.

Queen Esther took a risk going into the king’s Palace uninvited, but we see faith at work!

Beloved, God’s kind of faith does not make provisions for the alternative. It is intelligence to plan for the alternatives should  your original request not be granted, it is not wisdom of God, and definitely not faith in God.

Do you aspire to get married one day? Keep hoping and trusting the LORD God.

Do you desire to travel abroad for greener pastures? Keep praying and keep hoping in the Lord God.

Do you love to have your own business one day? Never stop trusting God for a breakthrough on this.

To be a prisoner of hope is far better than being a pessimist; filling your mind with diverse impossibilities. Naturally, pessimists go about carrying sad faces with negative expressions hoping for the worst in every situation.

Friends, remember that everything is created twice. First time in your mind, and second time in your world! 

You can turn to your stronghold, and see your victory with your mind – for with God nothing shall be impossible!

Think it, Pray it, Say it, Do it – repeatedly Until Your Testimony announces your arrival!

Preparing the Bride,

Pastor Segun Tewogbola is a Bible teacher with the gift of revelational knowledge and dimensional prophetic ministry. He is a sought after conference speaker of note and currently, the President & Overseer of Kingdom Truth For All Nations, USA, a global ministry dedicated to prepare the bride for the return of Jesus Christ.

Kingdom Truth For All Nations

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