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Nigeria At 60: Nigeria is a Blessed Nation, …will Attain her greatness -Wilson Badejo


Nigeria At 60: Nigeria is a Blessed Nation, …will Attain her greatness -Wilson Badejo

Nigerians, especially Christians have been admonished not to be weary or ceased praying or saying good for Nigeria because, it is established by God for His people to habitat.

Rev. Dr. Wilson Badejo, the former General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church Nigeria and President, Wilson Badejo Foundation, gave this charge at the annual Solemn Assembly of ministers and churches around Fadeyi and Jibowu area of Lagos.

Rev. Badejo said, Nigeria is a nation planted and blessed by God for us to prosper and flourish, but like the case of the children of Israel possessing the promised land, there will always be the giants, that we see as challenges today; to distract, discouraged and threaten our faith in God.

He called on Nigeria Christians not to lose focus of who they are and where they are going. But remained standing praising God and on their knees praying committedly and consistently to genuinely and faithfully committed to the service of God.

Despite situations and challenges, Nigeria have reason to be thankful for her creation and existence. The impact and prayers of the faithful has kept this nation, Nigeria to be strong and keep going.

Lamenting on the state of insecurity in Nigeria, wanting killings, kidnapping, rituals, armed robbery and all manners of crime that are daily increasing in our society, he said, “our warfare is not canal and if we will be willing and humble, God will answer our prayers to turn things around for our own good”.

Rev. Badejo, also the convener of the praying assembly in the year 2014 only for churches, ministers and ministries around Fadeyi/Jibowu with the aim to stand in the gap and hold the horn of the altar every October 1st for the emancipation of Fadeyi/Jibowu area of Lagos and Nigeria as a nation; from daily occurrence of evil, wickedness, killings and all manners of crime been perpetuated by satanic induced agents.

Quoting the scriptures, he declared and pray that, Nigeria will overcome all her challenges, conquer her enemies and become prosperous to the glory of God.

In his remark, the coordinator of the annual meeting, Rev. Femi Adegbosin, a zonal superintendent of Foursquare Gospel Church Nigeria in Fadeyi area, thank God for consistency of the annual nondenominational gathering that started some seven years ago and the impacts among ministers of God in the area, especially the spiritual impact of the entire area. “Praying in unity has strengthened Churches, ministers, also helped to reduced criminal activities in Fadeyi/Jibowu area.

Highlight of the meeting was special prayer for the peace of Nigeria.

Among ministers from different denomination who participated in the annual solemn assembly hosted by Apostle Samuel, include Pastor Imade Stephen, Pastor (Mrs.) Kemi Ushie and others.