Home News Church Marriage Is Not For Better For Worse – Bishop Oyedepo

Marriage Is Not For Better For Worse – Bishop Oyedepo


Marriage Is Not For Better For Worse – Bishop Oyedepo 

Bishop David Oyedepo, the General Overseer of the Living Faith Church Worldwide while speaking at the Hour of Visitation, Shiloh 2021 said, there is need for everyone to have access to the word of God and revealed that nothing destroys doubt like access to the voice of God. 

Reading from the book of Psalms 39:4-6: “The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young unicorn.”  

According to Oyedepo, nothing destroys a believer like a lack of access to that voice. It stagnates, frustrates, and can be devastating. His voice is behind His Word, he said.

“God’s Word is defined as the waters, whatever you find there shall not come back void, it shall accomplish that which God purpose. The voice of God is upon the waters. Every verse of scriptures carries God’s voice behind it”, he added.

He further explained that to scale the utmost height in life, you don’t need to know any man, just know God. It was intoxicant because limited or vain is the help of man.

When a man takes you, he can only take you to how far his hand can go, but when the everlasting arm of God takes you from far, far behind, He throws you up to the highest height and His name is the Highest and His hand is higher than Him.

While declaring, “Set for hitch-free marriage,” he admonished that it is a privilege to be in a hitch-free marriage with heaven’s mandate and said, `God told me, “I have not ordained marriage for better and for worse. I wasn’t the One, religious people did that. My ordination for marriage is two are better than one and they have a good reward for their labour”, quoting, Ecclesiastes 4:9, Deuteronomy 32:30 to buttress his point.

Whatever you are asking God, He may not answer you the day you ask Him but watch out for His answer, He always answers by a voice to establish His covenant with His people.

Bishop David Oyedepo and wife with children

Bishop Oyedepo pointed out and said, God’s voice thunders, His instructions are through the channel of a still small voice. But behind is thundering. I have never seen a temptation to borrow. I only enjoy contentment at every stage of my life with excitement.

“There is no self-pity, with utmost excitement. I enjoy God’s grace,” he said.