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Interesting Facts You Should Know About the Month of APRIL and origin of April Fool By Gracious Akintayo


Interesting Facts You Should Know About the Month of APRIL and origin of April Fool!
By Gracious Akintayo

Every month of the year is significant and peculiar. But the month of APRIL is strategic, positioned and more significant than other month.
APRIL is a spiritual month FULL of blessing and outstanding proof of God’s power, grace, deliverance, salvation, resurrection, restoration, redemption, recovery, reformation and promises of new beginning.

Known as 4th month in the Gregorian calendar and synonymous with Easter celebration (a season of marking the end of 40 days fasting; eating of the last supper, betrayal night, arrest, suffering, persecution, crucifixion, death and burial with celebration of resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ).

APRIL, also Abib in Hebrew language was formally pronounced and declared by God and used as the first month of the year before King Gregory of England changed and remodified it to present arrangement and order.
APRIL was mentioned 16 times during major occurrences and described as first month of the year in the Old Testament at different occasion than any other month in the history of the Bible and repeatedly confirmed in the New Testament.

Most of the Lord Jesus Christ major activities and all He went through (the betrayal, arrest, suffering, persecution, crucifixion, death and burial) are one day encounter and experience He had between the midnight of 14th day and morning of 15th day of the month of April before His crucifixion on the cross at the eventide with the burial on the same night of 15th and He arose on the third day, 17th of April.

In the Old Testament, the month of God commanded the children of Israel to observe unleavened bread (Lev. 23: 5-6) was in the month of April and the night Jesus took the last supper (communion) with His disciples, was same period in April (Luke 22: 7 – 20; 1Cor. 11: 23 – 25). Also, it was that same day and period, the Israelites marked their door post with the blood before the plague.
APRIL remains the most significant and spiritual month in the history of the Bible.

Recorded notable Bible event that occur in the month of APRIL are;
Drying of the flood after 150 days in the ship (Gen. 8: 13)
God’s declaration of April as the first month of the year. (Exod. 12: 2)
First redemption through the sign of blood. (Exod. 12: 6 – 10)
Children of Israel came out of Egypt. (Exod. 13: 4; Deut. 16: 1)
The crossing of River Jordan (Josh. 4: 19)
Celebration of the feast. (Lev. 23: 5 – 6; Num. 28: 16 – 17; 1Cor. 11: 23 – 25)
Miriam death in the desert of Zin. (Num. 20: 1)

APRIL is naturally a beautiful month of beginning and opening with diamond character.

This is the Biblical order before advent of present Gregorian calendar;
1. April – Gen. 8:13; Lev. 23:5
2. May – Num. 1:1; 9:11
3. June – 1Chr. 27:5
4. July – 2Kngs. 25:3
5. August – 2Kngs. 25:8
6. September – 1Chr. 27:9
7. October – Lev. 23: 24; 25:9
8. November – 1Kngs. 6:38
9. December – 1Chr. 27:12
10. January – 2Kngs. 25:1
11. February – Deut. 1:3
12. March – 2Kngs. 25:27

Origin of April 1st As Fool’s Day

After shifting to the Gregorian calendar (Gregorian calendar was named after King Gregory of England, who ordered the calendar change), many people refused to give up the old tradition and continued celebrating 1st April as the New Year’s Day. When the King order didn’t work, he finally issued a royal dictum, stating that those who celebrate 1st April as the New Year Day would be labeled as fools. Since then, 1st April, a divinely pronounced and ordained New Year Day have been labeled Fool’s Day.