Home Features “His Mercies are New Every Morning” (2) By Babatunde Olugboji

“His Mercies are New Every Morning” (2) By Babatunde Olugboji


“His Mercies are New Every Morning” (2) By Babatunde Olugboji

God’s mercies are indeed new every morning. If there is a question to be asked, it is how are God’s mercies new every morning? We already know his mercy flows out of his love. Since he has eternal love then his mercy will be as well because they are connected.

The statement that God’s mercies are new every morning is really a reminder to us. God provides mercy for each day, and it is refilled and refreshed each morning. This is not just a statement about availability, it is also about access. Regardless of how often you have to rely on God’s mercy, you can always come back for more. 

This is not a license to live in sin, and then call on his mercy. If that is your mindset, the promise of this verse does not apply to you. If your heart is set to follow God and walk in obedience to him, but you find yourself falling short, this verse is for you. There is mercy every single day of the year that is available to help you and address whichever situation you may be in. Don’t worry – the mercy won’t run out because the reservoir is refreshed every morning.

“Great is God’s faithfulness” This line ties the whole thought together. God’s immovable love flows into mercy that will never end, which you will always be able to access. The reason you can depend on it is because of God’s faithfulness. It doesn’t matter how much a person makes a promise if their word is not worth anything. The good news is that God’s word means everything to him. Ps 132:2 tells us that God honors his word above his name. It is God’s faithfulness to his word that will cause him to remain steadfast to his promise. 

The Context

The book of Lamentations was written by Jeremiah, and it is a book that laments over the fall of Jerusalem caused by the sinful condition of Judah. They were experiencing God’s judgment because of their refusal to turn from their sinful ways. In this book, Jeremiah expresses his sorrow for the condition of his country, but also his hope for God’s mercy to be shown again. The book reminds us of the heavy price to pay when someone refuses to give up their sinful lifestyle, but it gives hope for those who choose to. 

Someone once said about Lamentations: “The people of this once great city experienced the judgment of the holy God, and the results were devastating. But at the heart of this book, at the center of this lament over the effects of sin in the world, sit a few verses devoted to hope in the Lord. (Lamentation 3:22-25) This statement of faith standing strong in the midst of the surrounding darkness shines as a beacon to all those suffering under the consequences of their own sin and disobedience.”

The true beauty of Lamentations is that even the hardest, most sinful person can still find hope in a God who is willing to pour out mercy on anyone who comes to him in repentance.

Have a great week.

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