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GCM Uncensored Family Breakfast Buffet …marriage is a combination of spiritual and physical


GCM Uncensored Family Breakfast Buffet marriage is a combination of spiritual and physical

Pastor Shola Famolye speaking to participants during the outreach

With the present reality and situation of economic hardship, decaying moral standard and social vices that pervades our society and seriously affecting families; breaking homes and dividing marriages. The Abraham and Daughters of Zion, an affinity group of Glory Christian Ministries, Lagos over the weekend organized an outreach, “Breakfast Buffet”, primarily designed to cushion the effect of damages the present realities has done to many homes and marriages.

The well attended programme that has in attendance couples, matured singles and public spirited participants from different churches was a value-added time mixed with fun, family affairs and fellowship, including the sharing of experiences, hot discussions, straight from the heart questions and answers. The outreach spiced with prayers and words of exaltation became a consolation to blissful home and happy marriage at this trying period.

Cross section of participants and guests at the Breakfast Buffet outreach

In their speech various speakers at the Breakfast Buffet exhibited knowledge of today’s marital challenges that affects families and equally offered practicable solutions.

Speaking on money in the home from a man’s perspective, Dcn. Emma Chukwuma, quoted Romans 12: 9-10 and declared that openness breeds trust. He advised couples not to hide themselves from each other, because two are supposed to be one.

Pastor Chucs Ahiakwo (middle) with other participants savouring the outreach

In her contribution, Dcns. Vera Opuoro, explained a woman’s perspective on finance in the home. She said, every family is unique with certain common beacons and talked about financial infidelity with power play as fears of women in marriage. Opuoro also canvassed for the importance of openness in marriage.

Pastor Andrew Awa-Kalu is of the opinion that fundamental issues in some marriages is that some couples are not “married”, they are just cohabiting. Hence they are going in different directions. He advised couples to work hard on their marriages to ensure they are married indeed.

Elder Joseph Osim speaking during the outreach

Robinson Udi in addition, said, in most marriages that are working, one person is playing a fool and it helps to build the marriage.

Dcn. Ezeiru added, being a Christian is the key and secret to a happy home and not necessarily the comforts of the house.

Another section of participants

Emphasising on the importance of communication in marriage, Pastor Chucs Ahiakwo described

communication as a powerful skill that is important to learn, develop and put into proper use in any relationship, especially in marriage.

Another section of participants

The major problem of marriage is communication. Where communication is not properly utilised, there will be a lot of confusion and misunderstandings. “Many Christian homes cannot yet be described as a Christian home, because the anger of the past is still boiling and generating problems due to lack of communication”, he said.

Pastor Chucs further advised couples to know what to say and how to say it at the appropriate time without assumption. “Sometimes we assume our spouse should know. When in actual fact, we don’t create a moment and conducive atmosphere to define purpose, share vision, discuss responsibilities, consider opinions and ask questions. You won’t know what your spouse feels, needs and expects unless you communicate”, he advised.

He added, some couples avoid creating the right environment of communication where truth can be freely shared and discussed because they are scared it may lead to anger.

Quoting Malachi 2:14 and Colossians 3: 33 to buttress his point, he said, “God expects us to Ask”.

Dcn. & Mrs. Francis Odukoya at the outreach

In his contribution, Elder Joseph Osim counselled couples to remember that the future of every marriage is more important than it’s present state and every marriage should be handled with care and fear of God.

“The pressure of today will always be there and no man can escape it. It is therefore expedient of every man to take his responsibility and play the leadership role of his home”, he admonished.

Dcn. Emma Chukwuma & his family

Pastor Shola Famoye in his exaltation, lamented on the situation where many are Christian but they are still traditionalist in their mentality. “Many Christian are not spiritually and biblically inclined in their marital life. They still allow some traditional attitudes to overshadow their mentality on marriage”, he said and added, “marriage is the same, you just have to find out what works for you and apply it”.

Giving an insight to some ingredients that spices up marriage, Pastor Famoye encouraged couples not to neglect the place of romance and affection in marriage. “Marriage is a combination of spiritual and physical. Even if you are spiritual, affection and romance keeps the marriage going, without which you are bound to have some physical problems”, he stated.

While advising couples not to be selfish in enjoying sex in marriage, Famoye said, “Don’t plan to enjoy alone, plan to make your spouse enjoy it too” and states, “a woman approach and expression for sex does not make her a prostitute, neither should it be dubbed as waywardness. It is her right in marriage. Same way, God put sexual appetite in men, so He put in women”, he said.

Pastor Shola appealed to men to always love their wives, be patient with them and give them needed attention. Asking them to create a necessary environment of marital amusement, to crack jokes, pat on the back, walk hand-in-hand on the road, sending messages and playing indoor games. All these will help healthy perfection in marriage and should not be all about fasting and prayers”, he emphasized.

The outreach came to a close with prayers for homes, marriages, singles, the society and the church. Also, participants and guests used the available provisions of enough to munch, eat and drink to network and build bridges.