Home Features Fighting Generational Curses By Babatunde Olugboji

Fighting Generational Curses By Babatunde Olugboji

Fighting Generational Curses By Babatunde Olugboji

Fighting Generational Curses By Babatunde Olugboji

In the past two weeks we have been discussing the issue of generational curses, asking whether children bear responsibility for their father’s sins. This week, we’ll conclude the series as we address what the Bible says about dealing with generational curses. ‘You shall not bow down to [idols] or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me.” (Exodus 20:5) 

Although there are ways a father’s sin can be passed on to the children, our gracious and merciful God always makes a way of ‘escape.’ Even though we are all marred by sin (Romans 3:23), we are all given the option to accept Jesus’ cleansing (Romans 6:23), so that we  can be adopted into God’s family and inherit a new nature. 

The cure for a generational curse is prayer and repentance. When Israel turned from idols to serve the living God, the curse was broken and God saved them (Judge 3:9, 15; 1 Samuel 12:10-11).  Sure, God promised to visit Israel’s sin upon the third and fourth generations, but in the very next verse He promised that He would show “love to a thousand [generations] of those who love Him and keep His commandments” (Exodus 20:6). In other words, God’s grace lasts a thousand times longer than His wrath. So, a curse may last for a few generations, God’s love is forever! Isn’t that something to rejoice about?

When Nehemiah heard of the destruction in Jerusalem, he prayed: “LORD, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love Him and keep his commandments, let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open to hear the prayer Your servant is praying before You day and night for Your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against You.  We have acted very wickedly toward You. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees, and laws You gave Your servant Moses. (Nehemiah 1: 5-7)

God forgives sin when we repent and accept the sacrifice of Jesus. “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Cor  5:21). 

Fathers across the globe, I encourage you to go to God in repentance, and instead of curses, blessings shall rain down upon your kids. 

Also, salvation through Jesus is the key to breaking generational sin. Jesus offers us forgiveness, cleansing of sin, and unconditional love (1 John 1:9). Jesus gives His followers the power to love like He does, a love that is filled with grace and compassion. He is our example for how to love rather than loving ourselves or pleasures (John 13:34).

Fathers who are followers of Christ are a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). But you’ve got to repent of your sins and those of your forefathers, just like Nehemiah did, and live a life consecrated to the Lord (Romans 12:1-2). As you approach God in repentance this week, He shall rain blessings upon your offspring, from one generation to the other, in the name of Jesus.

Have a great week.

Kingdom Dynamics, a weekly column is written by Dr. Babatunde Olugboji, the President, Kingdom House, a non-profit organization in New Jersey, USA.


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GRACIOUS Akintayo is a journalist of many years experience and exposure. He worked in various media organization as a reporter, researcher and correspondent. He had attended many local and international organized professional, leadership and ministerial conference, training, seminars and workshops. He is a media consultant, editor, an inspirational writer, public speaker and social critics. He is the Editor/Publisher, PROVIDENCE News (a nondenominational general interest Christian publication), former President, Christian Press Association of Nigeria (CPAN) and currently, President, Nigeria Christian Media Forum (NCMF). Gracious is a member of many professional, social and Christian faith organization.