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Many Have Fallen Out of Faith and Need to be Restored -Ben Omoregie


Many Have Fallen Out of Faith and Need to be Restored -Ben Omoregie

Apostle Dr. Ben Omoregie is a gifted Bible teacher who preaches undiluted word of God. He is the General Overseer, REHOBOTH Church of Christ Ambassadors Worldwide, Ajah, Lagos.

In this encounter series starting today, Dr. Ben Omoregie shared his experience, views and position on the pandemic, lockdown, the church and the society with PROVIDENCE.

Sharing his experience on the lockdown, Apostle Ben said, “I was not surprised at the global lockdown, neither did our church members. In the year 2018, I told our people by divine revelation that there will be a government action that will attract hunger, so I advised they should prepare to store food that can sustain them for at least three months in the house. So when it happened, God has prepared us ahead and used that preparation to sustain us throughout the period.

On the claim of been sign of end-time prophesy, he described Covid -19 pandemic as a phenomenon that has forever changed the system of the world economy, interpersonal relationships and the global society. Nothing around the world will be same again. The numbers of death is staggering.
The Bible prophesy is just unfolding. The pandemic is not an accident, it is a pointer to the true return of Christ Jesus and the end of this church age.

Comparing previous reported cases, he said, the difference is that, other reported cases did not sweep across the world once, but this pandemic overwhelmed even powerful nations.
The church, church leaders and christians should learn to be prepared always, because anything can happen at anytime.

Looking at church attendance after the pandemic, he exclaimed and said, the government direction is not clear yet and church attendance will definitely be affected because there will be attitudinal change. People are now exposed to virtual service and this have come to stay. The church should build more on technology evangelism. He advised, with expected laws coming against the Church, the church should engage in pragmatic evangelism and strengthen Christians nationonwide. Many have fell out of faith and need to be restored back.
With advent of internet church on the go, Churches should widen their reach through internet. There is a concept of diaspora mission on the increase in certain areas of the world, internet will be the vehicle to make it faster.

Counting gains and losses of the pandemic is what we can’t quantify now, until the church resumption. Though, there is more sanity among the church leadership, but the souls are more important. Let us wait for the return of people back to church, then we can take stock, he declared.

Suggesting role of the church to stabilize the society, Apostle Omoregie said, the church should begin to educate Christians on new political and economic realities. Equip them to handle the changes as the situation develop. Every believer should brace up for turn-around in the emerging global development. The church cannot be a begger institution in the hand of government or fold her arms watching events unfolding.

He disagree with the notion that the lockdown was meant to silent the church. “No. The lockdown is not meant to silent the church, but to awaken the church.”

Sustaining pastor/church members relationship during the lockdown, he stated, “it is unfortunate this happened, but did not have any negative impact on church members/pastor’s relatnship, it only strengthened it”.
The building is not the church, but believers in the church. With that understanding, there’s nothing to loose, he said.

Casting doubts about miracles and healing, he explained, “the church still maintained access to miracles and healing without government policy. No government policy has the ability to stop or control divine healing and miracle, it is the power of God, he charged. Even at this period, I prayed for people on phone in the name of Jesus and they are healed. Only the ministers who wait for stadium capacity to perform will be counting loses. Jesus remain the same yesterday, today and forever healing people”, he said.

Fuming at some error that poses as challenges in Christendom and the way out, “the moral decay in the church are the greatest error been perpetuated among Christians and in the Church. The youths have been misled into moral faults to believe noise making as worship. Nudity in the name of fashion. False teachings, fake miracles, false prophesy and bad examples from the pulpit with absence of sanctification and holiness practice are major error and challenges misleading the church today.
The only solution to these challenges is genuine repentance from the church leaders to the smallest congregation members, according to
Jeremiah 7:2-7 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-18”, he said.

On the general society, he is of the believe, many things and people will change. Already there is certainty of fear in the air and people are pulling apart by the doctrine of social distancing. With the reigning suspicion and consciousness of the virus, people will not to flow together as before and many will find it difficult to recover. People should therefore prepare for the change that is coming.

Apostle Omoregie advised Nigerians, “as people, let us repent and live in truth. As a nation, we should do all things with sincerity to move forward and corruption must be stamped out of Nigeria”.

In this encounter series starting today, Dr. Ben Omoregie shared his experience, views and position on the pandemic, lockdown, the church and the society with PROVIDENCE.

Sharing his experience on the lockdown, Apostle Ben said, “I was not surprised at the global lockdown, neither did our church members. In the year 2018, I told our people by divine revelation that there will be a government action that will attract hunger, so I advised they should prepare to store food that can sustain them for at least three months in the house. So when it happened, God has prepared us ahead and used that preparation to sustain us throughout the period.

On the claim of been sign of end-time prophesy, he described Covid -19 pandemic as a phenomenon that has forever changed the system of the world economy, interpersonal relationships and the global society. Nothing around the world will be same again. The numbers of death is staggering.
The Bible prophesy is just unfolding. The pandemic is not an accident, it is a pointer to the true return of Christ Jesus and the end of this church age.

Comparing previous reported cases, he said, the difference is that, other reported cases did not sweep across the world once, but this pandemic overwhelmed even powerful nations.
The church, church leaders and christians should learn to be prepared always, because anything can happen at anytime.

Looking at church attendance after the pandemic, he exclaimed and said, the government direction is not clear yet and church attendance will definitely be affected because there will be attitudinal change. People are now exposed to virtual service and this have come to stay. The church should build more on technology evangelism. He advised, with expected laws coming against the Church, the church should engage in pragmatic evangelism and strengthen Christians nationonwide. Many have fell out of faith and need to be restored back.
With advent of internet church on the go, Churches should widen their reach through internet. There is a concept of diaspora mission on the increase in certain areas of the world, internet will be the vehicle to make it faster.

Counting gains and losses of the pandemic is what we can’t quantify now, until the church resumption. Though, there is more sanity among the church leadership, but the souls are more important. Let us wait for the return of people back to church, then we can take stock, he declared.

Suggesting role of the church to stabilize the society, Apostle Omoregie said, the church should begin to educate Christians on new political and economic realities. Equip them to handle the changes as the situation develop. Every believer should brace up for turn-around in the emerging global development. The church cannot be a begger institution in the hand of government or fold her arms watching events unfolding.

He disagree with the notion that the lockdown was meant to silent the church. “No. The lockdown is not meant to silent the church, but to awaken the church.”

Sustaining pastor/church members relationship during the lockdown, he stated, “it is unfortunate this happened, but did not have any negative impact on church members/pastor’s relatnship, it only strengthened it”.
The building is not the church, but believers in the church. With that understanding, there’s nothing to loose, he said.

Casting doubts about miracles and healing, he explained, “the church still maintained access to miracles and healing without government policy. No government policy has the ability to stop or control divine healing and miracle, it is the power of God, he charged. Even at this period, I prayed for people on phone in the name of Jesus and they are healed. Only the ministers who wait for stadium capacity to perform will be counting loses. Jesus remain the same yesterday, today and forever healing people”, he said.

Fuming at some error that poses as challenges in Christendom and the way out, “the moral decay in the church are the greatest error been perpetuated among Christians and in the Church. The youths have been misled into moral faults to believe noise making as worship. Nudity in the name of fashion. False teachings, fake miracles, false prophesy and bad examples from the pulpit with absence of sanctification and holiness practice are major error and challenges misleading the church today.
The only solution to these challenges is genuine repentance from the church leaders to the smallest congregation members, according to
Jeremiah 7:2-7 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-18”, he said.

On the general society, he is of the believe, many things and people will change. Already there is certainty of fear in the air and people are pulling apart by the doctrine of social distancing. With the reigning suspicion and consciousness of the virus, people will not to flow together as before and many will find it difficult to recover. People should therefore prepare for the change that is coming.

Apostle Omoregie advised Nigerians, “as people, let us repent and live in truth. As a nation, we should do all things with sincerity to move forward and corruption must be stamped out of Nigeria”.