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Life After COVID-19 Lockdown: Churches around the world are returning to normal services


Life After COVID-19 lockdown: Churches around the world are returning to normal service

In June, New Zealand announced that it was lifting restrictions on public gatherings aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19, having gone several days without any new cases.

A return to normal activities and public events in New Zealand also includes churches, which overwhelmingly followed the lockdown rules and services were suspended during government lockdown.

For them, indoor worship began last Sunday after staying home for six weeks, followed by two Sundays where worship involved “social distancing and no singing.”

In the U.S., the majority of churches have adhered to limits on in-person worship services, with most switching to online services.

Nevertheless, many congregations have resisted state government-imposed restrictions, with some considering lockdown measures to be a violation of their religious freedom rights.

South Korean megachurches reopen with social distancing restrictions in place.

Although the Asian country has a social distancing policy in place until May 5, the government has allowed religious and sports entities some “relief” from the regulations.

Across the world, large numbers of churches closed their doors in response to efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus, with many shifting to online worship services.

UK churches and other worship centers will see a loosening of restrictions to reopen with 30-person limit, social distancing guidelines starting on July 4, according to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Houses of worship were shut down in late March in an effort to help curb the spread of COVID-19. Since June 13, individuals have been allowed to enter for private prayer, but now people will be allowed to attend services.

“The last three months have been an extraordinary time for churches around the world without public worship with other activities and programs.

Recently, many countries, especially in Europe and Asia, have begun to gradually reopen their secular and religious facilities following government-ordered lockdowns.

In May, Germany allowed for the reopening of houses of worship, with certain restrictions put in place during the service, including no singing and no handshakes.