Glory be to God for bringing us this far to the end of first half of the year 2021, even as we eagerly and joyfully look forward to glorious testimonios and turning around the second and final half of the year.
As laid in my heart, I felt compelled to share this personal understanding I got during my fellowship in His presence and I am convinced, as the word of the Lord is two edged sword, it will minister to you as it also ministers to me.
Meditate on it and the Lord will perfect our pilgrimage journey to a glorious end in Jesus name.
Happy reading;
The reasoen why some things are not working or blocked in life as not expected is because there are some grudges and painful hurt of unforgiveness hidden in our heart that we are still holding onto. And until we sincerely purge, confess and flush them out of our heart and soul to let go and let God, we will remain hypocritical, mischievous, rebellion and heart hardened to God and the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ whom we claimed to worship and serve as Christians and believers.
Allowing the unforgiveness in our heart, hinders genuine fellowship, relationship and service with God. Also, form secret sin that deprived us true peace and comfort in life.
When we forgive and let go of any hurt, there will be peace and comfort with everything that is not working or blocked in our life to be opened and enjoyed with the free flow of relationship, fellowship and service with God in abundance of His blessing.
You may find it hard to forgive, you can as well find it easy to forgive. Depending on how much you are able to realise, you are also a sinner and have eternally offended Someone who had mercy on you, and be ready to be humble and remorseful with absolute resolve to also forgive without being pushed or forced to forgive; without sentiment or harbouring any feeling. But unconditional and freewill.
Allow yourself to be healed and forget about it. Let old things pass away to behold the new great and good things of God to happen.
Don’t allow the fire of unforgiveness to burn in you, allow the Holy Spirit to quench the fire and fill you with His fruits and healing spirit.
Do not allow unforgiveness to create bitterness, sorrow, sadness and anger in you to affect your spiritual sense of direction and well being.
Don’t be a mischief to fake happiness and smile or pretend everything is fine, when you quite know it is not. (Rom. 12:9)
Be real, so that your healing and recovery process can be easy, pure, smooth and total with overflow of joy, happiness, love, progress, peace and comfort. (Joshua 24:14)
Understand that, unforgiveness is a sin, hindrance, curse and bondage of life. (John 8: 34; Acts 8: 23)
… forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us. (Luke 11:4a)
…if God should consider iniquity… (Psm. 130:3)
…for all have sin and come short of glory of God (Rom. 3:23)
If we say we have no sin, the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8)
… forgive one another, …..(Eph. 4:32)
Let love covers all things…(1Ptr. 4:8)
The coming of our Lord Jesus is at hand and the best question or message to ask anyone now is, “Are you genuinely Born Again and Spirit filled?” (John 3: 3, 5 & 7)
He that has no similar sin, let him cast the stone first (John 8:7 )
Forgiveness is the greatest virtue of a thorough and Spirit filled Christian and a believer, without forgiving spirit, there is nothing like deliverance, relationship, fellowship and service of God and His Kingdom in you.
The big question is, have you ever been offended 70 x 7 times in one day? That is the maximum length the Lord Jesus commanded and instructed to go and forgive, if it so happened. (Matthew 18: 21, 22)
Forgive whoever has offended and hurt you now or in the past and your endowed possession with the promises of God will not elude you. (2 Cor 2:10 – 11; John 20:22 – 23).
What would have been the message of our testimony and thanksgiving if Christ had not died for us and still advocating for our forgiveness before God. (1 John 2: 1-2)
His betrayal, suffering, death, resurrection, ascension and promises are the assurance of hope that made us a christian and a believer. (John 3: 18, 36)
Make no mistake! If Jesus had not sacrificed and paid the supreme price of atonement for our sin with continuous advocating for God’s mercy, we would have not had the privilege of salvation to enjoy God’s grace, mercy, goodness, kindness, promises, prosperity, provisions and abundant life. (John 10: 10b)
No matter what anyone might have done painfully to hurt you, deprived your right, betrayed or destroys you; for no wrong or evil done to you or experienced by you that is as worst and deeply painful as that that was done to or experienced by the Lord Jesus Christ, this is the key reason He remains Eternally a Role Model and Standard Bearer of every Christian and believer. (Heb. 12: 2 – 3)
As long as you are still living and believe in God and His Son, Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit through His Word, wholeheartedly forgive yourself to FORGIVE, FORGET and FORGO without, to move FORWARD! (Phil. 3:13b-14; Prov. 4:27)
Thou inexcusable, o man! (Rom. 2:1)
This remaining half of the year is your turning around with full restoration (1Peter 5:10) in Jesus Christ’s mighty name.