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The Power of Doing Nothing (5) By Babatunde Olugboji

The Power of Doing Nothing (5) By Babatunde Olugboji

The Power of Doing Nothing (5) By Babatunde Olugboji

As we conclude this 5-part series on the parable of the seed (Matthew 13) the first I want to point out is  that you can’t pray for more of this without getting more of that, because like the wheat and the weeds, they both ‘grow’ together. It is like a car and a garage. If you don’t have a car you won’t need to buy or build a home with a garage. 

With more anointing comes more crushing. You can’t get oil out of olive without crushing it. The greater the crushing, the more the oil. The man sowed the seed in his field to grow his crops, just as he planned. When the Lord created you, He did so intentionally. He made you unique, placed you wherever you are at the moment to carry out His plan. The enemy didn’t plant in his own field because he has none. His grand plan is to rob God of His glory by keeping you from fulfilling your purpose.

Why did the enemy plant weeds when his plan is not for the weeds to kill the wheat, as both can grow together. If the weeds couldn’t kill the wheat, why did he plant it? If he couldn’t change God’s plans, why is he attacking you? That’s the mystery of this parable. ‘Master, should we take out the weeds?’ No. The master knew that it was a trick, that even if the servants intended pulling only the weeds the roots were already intertwined, they would kill the wheat.  

The devil is trying to get you to take matters into your own hands. You may be frustrated, uncomfortable, aggravated, afraid, fed up. But let it be. The devil wants you to goad you to do something rash. 

This is the power of doing nothing. It takes more faith to do nothing. The devil is trying to use you to curse yourself. Be still to know that God is God. That God is good. The enemy has set a booby trap. He wants you to grab the weeds, and in the process kill the wheat.

The wise thing is to wait it out. Trying to fix it makes it worse. The devil is trying to set you up. He wants to make you feel like you are running out of time. Your faith is sometimes better expressed through your inaction. The enemy wants to blind you with the spirit of urgency that pushes you to take matters into your own hands. Don’t take that major decision without confirming from God. It is not that you are wrong, it is that the timing isn’t right. 

We may lose the whole harvest through the seduction of your frustration with the weed. The enemy is trying to make you decide, God is saying just stand still. The harvest can’t be rushed by the angst of the planter but it will come. It is inevitable. Don’t pull it before the harvest. What is not right before the harvest is right at harvest time. If you do it before the right time, you will destroy your destiny.

In the time of harvest, it is inevitable, you are going to have a good season, what you can’t deal with this season you will be able to do in the season of the harvest. Gather both the weeds and the wheat and burn the weeds. The time to destroy the weeds is at the time of harvest. 

You are coming into your harvest season.  Weeds seem so intolerable now because you are about to enter your harvest time. It is darkest when the daybreak is approaching. You used to be able to tolerate the weeds. This is not the time to give up. If you sow in tears you will reap in joy. The devil is trying to get on your nerves. But you will come out victorious.

Have a great week.

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