The Power of Doing Nothing (4) By Babatunde Olugboji
Next week, we’ll conclude this series on the weeds and the wheat in Matthew 13. In the parable, the servants of the seed sower were shocked that the enemy had planted the weed among the wheat.
God’s word is His seed, it holds His DNA. For example, your daughter carries your DNA, and she will always be your daughter no matter what. If she is wealthy, smart, a young girl, a grown woman, or a professional, she can never not carry your DNA. She has been begotten by your seed. Put anything around her, your DNA will remain in her. If that is true about a man’s seed, it is even truer concerning our Father in heaven.
This is why the battle is never yours. The devil has to reckon with God when coming against you. Because you have God’s DNA, you are covered by the Blood of Jesus. The enemy doesn’t want to see you reach your fullest potential. But I pray that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened; that you may know the hope of his calling and the riches of the glory of his inheritance in you (Ephesians 1:18). You are God’s, no matter your current circumstances.
Have you noticed that whenever the enemy shows up, there is always something of value. A thief would not target a homeless shelter. When the enemy attacked Job, he became sick, lost his property, influence, respect, kids, wife, and health but he never lost his God. He remained God’s; he never lost his God DNA, and God eventually gave him double for all his troubles. (Job 42:10)

You may be in a tight situation, you might have barely made it out of the fiery flame, you might have spent several years in emotional captivity, but by God’s power, you will come out of it, just like Job did, once you know that you carry God’s DNA. The enemy wants to devalue you. It is because of the value of your soul that you are being attacked in your flesh and finances.
One key lesson from this parable is that we should be careful not to destroy the functional while trying to fix the dysfunctional. When the enemy planted weeds, by the time the wheat buds, the weeds would grow alongside it. The commonsensical thing to do when you realize the two are growing together is to attack the weed but in attacking the weed you will destroy the wheat.
Every time you try to fix your situation, you make it worse. As you are reading this, God said let it be. When people are cursing you behind your back, let it be. When the brother who promised to support your dream turned round to side with your adversaries, let it be. That man whom you thought was a friend turned out to be a snake, let it be. Don’t try to bless yourself when it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32)
The prodigal son didn’t have to bless or feed himself, all he had to do was come home and when he came home, the father welcomed him with a party. All you’ve got to do it to come back home to God. When you are trying to fix bad, there is a possibility of destroying the good. Just hand everything over to God. You may damage what you try to save when you go after what you are trying to kill. If you try to fix what is broken you will mess up what is working. Let God, the divine fixer, fix things. Nothing that the enemy has planted in your life can destroy what God has put in you. The reason the master told the servant not to attack the weeds immediately has to do with timing.
To be continued
Have a great week.
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