The Power of Doing Nothing (3) By Babatunde Olugboji
Isn’t our God wonderful? In God’s Word we find all we need to be who He wants us to be. And it is in His Word that we find the formula about timing. ‘There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) In other words, there is the time to move and the time to be still. In Matthew 13, the parable of the seed sower talks about planting and harvesting, and how the devil tried to corrupt good seed.

In the parable, the servants of the man who sowed the good seed didn’t know that the enemy had planted the weed among the seed and they didn’t know the weed was there until the wheat sprung up and they asked, master, where did this come from? You may be asking a similar question, Lord, why am I like this, why is it hard for me to get things right? Why am I so abrasive? Why am I struggling? Why do I yell when I am meant to be quiet?
The enemy couldn’t destroy the integrity of the wheat, all he could do was plant weeds around it, with the expectation that the seed sown would corrupt the wheat. What the enemy didn’t know is that He that began a good work in you shall complete it. And that you are born again, not of corruptible, but of incorruptible seed, by the Word of God which lives and abides forever. The enemy can’t take you down. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. If you belong to God, you will remain His no matter the circumstances, and there is nothing the devil can do about it.
Have you noticed that the enemy always shows up where there is something of value? The enemy never planted weeds before the wheat. The enemy knows when the seed has been planted. The planting of the wheat caused the enemy to plant the weeds. The wheat attracted the weeds so that the enemy could put its mark on it. The sower planted the wheat intentionally; the enemy also planted the weeds intentionally, like spies behind enemy lines.
Whatever trauma you went through, it could be the enemy’s way of working to harm you ahead of the time of your breakthrough. He knows it wasn’t yet time, but he started working on the ground before you came up. Before you became fruitful, he had his infrastructure in place so you will have some things to struggle with later.
Why are things hard for me? Why is it hard for me to do things that others accomplish easily? But the devil has lost it this time. Wherever there is wheat, there will be weeds. Wherever God is planting something, Satan will be sniffing around looking for ways to kill, still or destroy. He also knows the importance of timing. So, while the servants were not looking, he pounced.
They couldn’t see him planting. He did it under the cover of the darkness and when they woke up, they saw nothing different that morning. They likely watered the field but they didn’t know they were not just watering the wheat, but also the weeds. Be aware that you are not fighting a devil, but an infrastructure, that’s why you shouldn’t fight in the flesh but in the spirit.
To be continued
Have a great week.
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