TAKE IT EASY and CALM DOWN! By Gracious Akintayo
“… the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.” -Ecclesiastes 9:11
Dear Young Minister,
The work of the ministry and the Church of Christ is an embodiment of divine mysteries. For no one put the honour upon himself, except he is called of God. (Hebrew 5:4)
The ministry work never starts big by self, for self and with self. It takes several years of discovery, guidance, service, mentoring, discipleship, direction and commission with prayers, studying and learning.
It took several years for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Elisha, Lord Jesus Christ and the first disciples to labour and sacrifice to serve God’s purpose and fulfill their mandates.
They joyfully sacrificed and pay the price, labouring in the wilderness, going into villages, walking day and night with fasting and praying; eating locusts, not sweet sensation, living simple, no flamboyant, walking in obedience, not in arrogance. No self ambition and desperation, but they are dedicated, committed and focused with humility. Serving with love, feeding on the word of God and living on prophecy of the word.
Their expectations were to love, serve and worship God without consideration for material gain, but heavenly commendation, “well done, thou good servant” and to receive the crown of glory, “welcome to thy rest, o faithful servant….”. Their songs were mostly, “honour, glory and adoration to your name…..”, “there is none like you ……” and “Thou art worthy …..”
Beloved, young and upcoming Daddy and mummy in the Lord, please be patient, submissive, obedient, humble and disciplined.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, airplanes do not fly at once. Helicopter warms the engine for some time before takeoff. Jesus did not start ministry the same day He was born and no plant germinates, grows and becomes fruitful the moment it is planted. Take it easy, the journey of a thousand mile starts from somewhere.
You are not ready to be mentored, but want to have a mentee. You are not ready to be fathered, but want to give birth, you don’t want to be disciplined, still you want to correct people, you are not ready to serve under anyone, but want to be served and you are not ready to be humble, yet you want to be honoured.
You cannot wash the legs of anyone ahead of you, but you rain abuses on those behind you for failure to wash your hand.
You hate to be controlled, but like exercising authority. You detest guidance, suggestions and instructions, but want undue publicity. You don’t take corrections, but you want to give a charge.
Within the short time you are admitted into the church workforce or appointed as HOD or you have just graduated from the Bible school and ordained as a junior minister, you start growing wings claiming to be called, anointed and gifted. You invite people for private consultation, counseling and special prayers, ascribing titles for yourself in the toga of ministry.
Your inordinate desires and quest to mislead people and deceitfully perch and collect their hard earned money for your own belly and self satisfaction drives you.
Your claim to be a solution is a bad situation in the life and endeavours of people.
You begin to see people who know better than you, telling you the truth and trying to counsel or advise you to take it easy and calm down as enemies.
By the way, who is your mentor? Who sat over your life to train you? Who do you listen to or disciples of you? Who do you submit to? Who is your reference? Where are you going? What drives or leads you?
The Lord Jesus Christ has a Father He revered and referenced. The disciples know where they are coming from and have a reference. All the progenitors of faith in the Bible and those we read about have their mentors and who disciples them.
Can you serve without being trained or fly without growing wings? Can you sail through, without being paddled successfully or learn without being tutored? Can you drive without an accident if you are not well guided?
Daddy/Mummy G.O, take it easy and calm down! The call is for an appointed time, it will speak.
You want to wear designer materials, perform magic for a miracle, have a large crowd and build a bigger auditorium like Kiyosaki and Reinhard Bonnke within the shortest time in the ministry.
You don’t want to trek with your legs or move with a bicycle or okada from place to place. In a jiffy, you want to ride the latest car and fly around the world with different titles attached to your name.
The only place where you want to start your evangelism and ministry is not the streets or remote area. It must be a commercial center, highbrow town or megacity.
Anyone who doesn’t show seed or give “prophet’s offering” is perceived to be against you and your ministry. Anyone you pray for and fail to be your member is regarded as your enemy. Whoever doesn’t pay tithes are categorized as an enemy of progress and anyone who fails to pay eye service homage is your detractor.
These are not attributes and character of God’s grace and calling. They are Gehazi’s character and Jezebel’s spirit. Greed, covetous and selfish.
Jesus was never an example of these, neither did He, His words or ministry taught us this way.
Daddy/Mummy, please calm down! The race is not for the swift… You can’t outrun God!
Work on your character, salvation and the grace of God while you’re still young and have the ability. Watch and observe people, follow good examples, ready to learn and grow. The time will come when the wind will blow and the storms will come. Temptation and trials will set in and you will not be able to withstand the torrent.
Which shield or shelter will you run to? Who will stand by you? Where will your port of call or focus? What will be your trust and hope? How will you escape?
“I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4
Daddy/Mummy, please calm down! David, Joseph, Joshua, Jacob and Jesus Christ were not in a hurry. Yet, they succeeded with a template for success. Left behind legacies and footprints with life long references.