Some Thing Can Only Be Attained By Prayer and Fasting – By Babatunde Olugboji
Mark 9 recounts a significant event in which Jesus was able to cast out an evil spirit that His disciples were unable to cast out. This episode also emphasizes the critical role of faith. While the disciples had previously succeeded in casting out demons, Jesus clarified that the particular demon they faced in Mark 9 could only be expelled through prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29).
As Jesus returned to His disciples following the Transfiguration, a man from the crowd approached Him, pleading for help with his son, who was afflicted by an evil spirit. This demon rendered the boy mute and had attempted to drown him and set him on fire (Mark 9:17, 22). The father had initially sought assistance from Jesus’ disciples, but they couldn’t cast out the evil spirit (Mark 9:18). Jesus admonished the crowd for their lack of faith and instructed the man to bring his son to Him (Mark 9:19).
Upon being presented to Jesus, the boy was seized by a convulsion caused by the possessing spirit, prompting the father to implore, “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us” (Mark 9:22). Jesus redirected the conversation, asserting that all things are possible for those who believe (Mark 9:23).
The father expressed uncertainty about Jesus’ ability to help, but Jesus emphasized that the crux of the matter lay in the man’s faith. If he could believe, Jesus would address the situation. The father humbly acknowledged his belief while requesting assistance to strengthen his faith, admitting that it was not very robust (Mark 9:24).
As Jesus noticed the large crowd that had assembled, He commanded the spirit to depart from the boy, ensuring it would never return (Mark 9:25). The spirit, after causing further convulsions, exited the boy, who then seemed lifeless (Mark 9:26). Jesus took the boy by the hand and raised him up, restoring him to health (Mark 9:27). This particular spirit was evidently distinct, as Jesus would later clarify that such a spirit could only be expelled through prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29). Subsequently, the disciples privately asked Jesus why they were unable to cast out the unclean spirit (Mark 9:28).
Jesus responded that this specific type could only be expelled “by prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29, KJV). While the KJV indicates that the demon in Mark 9 could only be cast out through prayer and fasting, other translations (such as ASV, NASB, ESV, NIV, etc.) omit “and fasting,” mentioning only prayer.
Mark 9:29 stands out as one of the more significant variants, as the differing translations create ambiguity regarding whether the demon in Mark 9 could only be expelled through prayer and fasting or if prayer alone sufficed. It is important to recognize that in the New Testament context, fasting was understood as a form of prayer so intense that it diverted attention from basic needs like eating or drinking—thus, regardless of the interpretation, Jesus underscores that the expulsion of the demon in Mark 9 necessitated fervent prayer.
Jesus told the people the centrality of faith in the process (Mark 9:19, 23). It is clear that prayer grounded in faith in Jesus Christ yields results. James 5:16 points out that the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous person is powerful. Jesus was urging the crowd, the father of the boy, and the disciples to recognize the significance of believing in Him as the One capable of achieving what would otherwise be deemed unattainable.
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