Home News Church Prosperity Gospel Distorts True Gospel – Pastor Julius Tokede

Prosperity Gospel Distorts True Gospel – Pastor Julius Tokede

Pastor Julius Olukayode Tokede, Senior Pastor & General Overseer, Christ Pentecostal Power Assembly (CPPA), Oke-Aro, Ogun State.

Prosperity Gospel Distorts True Gospel  – Pastor Julius Tokede

The Christ Pentecostal Power Assembly (CPPA) had their annual convention and anniversary, themed: “Behold, All Things Become New”, at the church PRAYER CAMP in Oke Aro area of Ogun State. 

Speaking at the convention, the Presiding Pastor and General Overseer of the church, Pastor Julius Olukayode Tokede said, the purpose of the annual gathering is to celebrate the transformative power of God’s love and grace. 

Quoting 2nd Corinthians 5:17 and other scriptures, Tokede urged the congregation and participants to come to His presence and experience the profound truth of “Behold, all things become new.”

“Throughout the Bible, there are countless examples of God’s ability to bring out renewal and transformation in the lives of His people. Like the story of Noah and the great flood. After the waters receded, God established a new covenant with Noah and his family, promising never again to destroy the earth with a flood. This act of divine mercy and love demonstrated God’s desire to give humanity a fresh start and a chance to begin anew in righteousness.”

Pastor Julius Olukayode Tokede, Senior Pastor & General Overseer, Christ Pentecostal Power Assembly (CPPA), Oke-Aro, Ogun State.

“Similarly, the transformative power of God’s love was profound in the life of Saul, who would later become known as Paul. Once a persecutor of Christians, Saul encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus, and his life was forever changed. He became a new creation in Christ, dedicating his life to spreading the gospel and planting churches. This dramatic conversion serves as a testament that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace and that He can make all things new, even the most hardened of hearts”, he stated.

He explained further, “however, as we reflect on these biblical examples of transformation, we must also confront a disturbing and emerging reality of prosperity gospel that is fast rising in our present day Christianity. This distorted version of the true gospel has led many astray to focus on material wealth and earthly success rather than the life-changing message of Christ’s love and sacrifice.”

Contrary to the commission, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel… Freely you have received; freely give”, handed to us by the Lord Jesus Christ, prosperity gospel has turned the message of salvation into capitalistic enterprises. Those who adhere to this false teaching often prey upon the vulnerable and disadvantaged, promising blessings and breakthroughs in exchange for financial contributions”.

Lamenting the perversion of the gospel, as being undermine to exploit the very people Jesus came to liberate –the poor, the oppressed, and rather than offering hope and freedom through the transformative power of God’s love, the prosperity gospel ensnares its followers in a web of greed and materialism, leaving them spiritually impoverished and disillusioned.

As followers of Christ, Tokede appealed, “we must reject the counterfeit of the gospel and commit ourselves to the mission entrusted to us by the Saviour. We are called to preach undiluted message of the cross, proclaiming the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and this message is not one of the earthly riches or worldly success, but of eternal life, forgiveness of sins, and a restored relationship with our Heavenly Father”.

“In a world increasingly marked by division, despair and spiritual darkness, the transformative power of the genuine gospel is now required more than ever. Looking around are nations thorned apart by conflict, communities ravaged by poverty and injustice, with individuals struggling addiction, depression, and hopelessness. In the face of these challenges, the prosperity gospel offers nothing but empty promises and false hope”, he declared.

As we faithfully proclaim this message and live out its principles in our daily lives, as agents of transformation in a world desperate for change. The true gospel message of Christ’s love, grace and redemption has the power to bring healing, restoration and renewal to broken lives and seemingly hopeless situations. 

“Therefore, as the body of Christ, let us commit ourselves to the task of preaching pure gospel, undiluted by the allure of wealth and success. Let us boldly declare the truth of God’s transformative love and not just with our words, but through our actions and service to the poor; comforting the brokenhearted, and standing for justice in a world that overlooks the marginalized. With this, we can trust that the same God who brought renewal and transformation to the lives of Noah, Paul, and countless others throughout history will continue to work in and through us to make all things new”, Tokede admonished. 

Pasto Julius Tokede prayed and declared, “may we be faithful to His calling, rejecting the false promises of the prosperity gospel and holding on to eternal hope found in Christ alone. The Holy Spirit shall empower us to be bold witnesses of God’s transformative love in a world that so desperately needs it and may the church as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for genuine transformation and renewal of all things through Christ our Lord.