Home Profile: PROVIDENCE News

Profile: PROVIDENCE News

ROVIDENCE is a non-denominational Christian News magazine -a giant step since 2002 to celebrate the proof of God’s glory in the life and endeavors of people; spread kingdom information, consolidate mission and promote Christian values.

The magazine is strategically positioned to consolidate the Christian community existing media approach to evangelism and societal development.

It is spiritually packaged and richly designed as a credible medium of information dissemination among Christians and the general public. To accurately and objectively captivate, inform, educate, inspire and entertain in every sphere of interest with balanced reportage.

The print and online magazine, also create space for services, products, public announcement, advertisement and events coverage that are in line with our vision.

Our core value is FEPEC -Focus, Excellence, Persevere, Ethical and Courage with spiritual maturity and business integrity.

…we don’t just publish the news, we add the message!

For more info:
Visit: www.providencenewsonline.com
Email: providencenews@yahoo.com
WhatsApp: 234-803 3808 826
Like: facebook.com/Providence magazine
Twitter: @providencenews1

PROVIDENCE is a proud member and associate of: Christian Media Foundation (CMF), Christian Press Association of Nigeria (CPAN), Journalists for Christ (JFC), Magazine Training Institute (MTI), American Christian Writers (ACW), Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) and God’s Kingdom Alive (GKA) Mission.