Prayer Has Sustain Nigeria’s Unity, …we are free to make choice on who to vote – Archbishop Eric Emiaso
The Prelate and Head of Mission, Gospel Church of Christ Worldwide (GCC), Archbishop Eric Emiaso, has said, “as we are thanking God for the relative peace and tranquility we are still enjoying in our nation Nigeria today despite all escalating plans to sink or disintegrate our nation. Nigeria would have been long wiped out as a nation or engulfed in an unending war if not for prayers of the saints”.

Emiaso made this known while speaking at the 53rd National Convention of the church theme, “Grace to Excel” beginning from Thursday 11 to Sunday 14, August, 2022 at its National headquarters in Lagos.
Going down memory lane about the church that started as a house fellowship in Lagos in July 1968, Emiaso said the church has grown and spread all over the length and breadth of Nigeria as one of the fastest growing churches in Nigeria. Also, spread across some West African countries through its drive, soul winning and evangelism is our passion.
Speaking on the convention theme as related to the present situation in the country, Emiaso said, “this convention will leverage its theme to our present situation in Nigeria with prayers for the church and the Nation. “We are living in a dangerous time in every area of our life and the challenges are already overwhelming. If we are to overcome them, we need God’s intervention, by His Grace.
We would pray that God should release more than enough grace for us to excel as individuals, as a Church, also as a nation.
“The church’s role is essentially to pray which I believe the church in Nigeria is not relenting. This is because, “if not for the Church holding back the evil hand of Satan and all his cohorts manifesting and masquerading as terrorists, bandits and kidnappers, Nigeria would have by now long been wiped out as a nation or engulfed in a civil war”.
“Insecurity in Nigeria is not an external aggression but a self-inflicted injury and avoidable quagmire. The government knows what to do to arrest the situation. But, they are playing politics and ethnicity to suffer and waste the lives of innocent citizens.
“Let us keep praying to God, that God would hear our prayer, so that the situation will not deteriorate beyond what it is now. If God hears and answers our prayers, come February 2023, we will all go to the polls and vote out this administration and I strongly believe the incoming administration would right the wrongs already forced through the throats of well meaning Nigerians groaning in pain and anguish. That is the hope of every average Nigerian and the Church Nigeria.
Lamenting on Muslim–Muslim ticket, Archbishop Emiaso said, “I don’t know why people are having sleepless nights or panic over it. There are eighteen political parties in Nigeria that are going to feature their presidential candidates for the 2023 elections. If APC say they don’t want Christian’s vote, we have other parties that wants Christian votes through their balance equation tickets. Therefore, we are free to make our choice on who to vote for without controversy,” he said.