Home Mission Ministry My Marriage Storm Drove Me Into The Ministry

My Marriage Storm Drove Me Into The Ministry


My Marriage Storm Drove Me Into The Ministry  -Bukola Adisa


Prophetess Bukola Olufowobi Adisa, a certified Marriage and Family Counselor is the General Overseer of Grace Evangelical Outreach (GREVO) a Cherubim and Seraphim (C & S) ministry established in May 2020 with the vision to restore families and amend broken homes. Recently, she had triple celebration, her 41st birthday, wedding anniversary and 1st year anniversary of her ministry, GREVO which coincidentally are on the same date. Mama GREVO is happily married to Engr. Babatunde Olufowobi Adisa, an automobile mechanical engineer and they are blessed with children. In a brief chat with our reporter, Kehinde Ajayi, she shared her background and journey into marriage and family Ministry with PROVIDENCE News.

My background:

I was born and brought up in C & S church. I was trained as a daughter of a prophet and that is why people called me, “daughter of prophets”.

My biological father, Prophet James Olaniyi-Ohu was a prophet and I was privileged to be mentored by another couple who are respected C & S prophets, SSA. Propht. Dr. Vasco Akanni and his wife, SAM. Propht. Tina Olanrewaju Vasco- Akanni.

Journey into the ministry:

My calling and journey into the ministry was not on a platter of gold, it was orchestrated by God to fulfill a divine purpose. The journey started in the year 2011 after some stormy  and challenging situations that almost rocked the boat of my marriage.

When the storm started blowing and the challenges became tough, I cried unto God, that I need Him more to help me. Asking for His intervention into happenings in my life and what He wants me to do. God answered my prayer, I overcame the challenges and the storm was over. He then told me to go into the ministry to amend marriages and restore broken homes. That gave birth to my calling into marriage and family ministry.

Overcoming the situations gave me the strength and courage to start the ministry in 2011. Since then God has been so faithful with testimonies of restored marriage and amended homes. 

The ministry was officially inaugurated last year May during my 40th birthday. I never knew GREVO will go this far, this is why I am celebrating a year anniversary of the official inauguration which also my birthday and wedding anniversary. I got married on my birthday May 23rd. It is a triple celebration, to thank God and give His due glory.

About the ministry:

Grace Evangelical Outreach (GREVO) is a Cherubim and Seraphim (C & S) outreach ministry with the sole aim and focus to reach out on marriage and family affairs. To bring back value into marriage and family, restore broken marriage and amend broken homes. There are a lot of challenges and trouble affecting marriages today. People are falling apart, marriages are broken and homes are being destroyed. This is seriously affecting our general society and that is why we have the increase in numbers of school dropouts, single mothers and parents in our society. Marriage has lost its value, our younger generation today are not serious with marriage. Most young men are not ready to take up responsibility or be partially responsible and the ladies want their independence, preferring to be a single mother or baby mama. And this is not supposed to be so according to God’s plan.

Describe your experience:

Establishing a ministry on marriage and family is not a child play. It goes with different experiences and demands. It has exposed me to a lot more experience of happenings and going ons outside there. But, God has been my backbone, He has been my strength and I give Him all the glory for the sufficient grace.

How far do you intend to go?

I am still going far because my vision is to amend marriages, restore families, also to touch homes and lives that are  turbulent times and challenges.

I am praying to God, for help and more grace to run the race in this ministry for His glory.

Advice for couples going through marriage challenges:

As a professional marriage counselor, a wife and minister of God, I will never advise anyone to go for divorce. Whatever is happening in your marriage, you should try and fight it out with prayers. There is no way there will be no tough, rough and troubled time in a marriage. But, no matter how it can be, prayers and godly counsel can resolve it, if the couple are willing to be humble with themselves and agree to handover everything to God to handle. We need to support our marriage, family and home with prayers. We need God to help us in this area, because the devil is seriously attacking marriages, especially Christian marriage. If we don’t pray and commit our marriage into the hands of God as we are supposed to, we cannot do anything to solve problems in our marriage.

My advice for couples is to endure each other, tolerate one another and understand the personality of their spouse. You can not change the personality of your partner. You can only adapt to the system. Both the married couples and singles should try to understand the personality of their spouse and partners they got married to or intend getting married to. This way, many marriages will be saved, homes secured and families protected. Then our society will be peaceful and a good place to live.