Men Do Not Possess The Capacity To Love Like Women -Pastor Iruofagha James
The General Overseer, Glory Christian Ministries (GCM), Lagos, Pastor Iruofagha James has admonished couples, especially the women, that communication plays an important role in every relationship and it is good to have outflowing communication to build a good relationship.

Pastor James made this point while addressing church Daughters of Zion during their two days annual All Women’s Congress (AWC 2022) titled, “All Sufficient for All Grace”, held at the church headquarters in Ijeshatedo area of Lagos.
The well attended women congress had participants drawn from satellite branches of the church around Lagos and other women from other churches.

Quoting extensively from different portion of the scripture to buttress his points and using several women in the Bible as example, Pastor James said, “men are not created with the capacity to love like women while, women creation is patterned to love unconditionally” and described women as most vulnerable to mockery, shame and abuse. Also, the most naturally endowed with abilities of commitment and dedication to God and things of God.
He cited the examples of Ruth, who demonstrated the true definition of marriage by changing her beliefs, nationality, tradition and culture, and accepting everything about her husband. She became a devoted worshipper of God and trusted God more than her personal welfare. She was hardworking and a woman of character who received heaven’s greatest honour. “Love recklessly shown will always bring you to the pages of God”, Pastor James charged.

Referring to Delilah, he said, Samson loved Delilah. But, Delilah sin was a combination of greed as she could not be trusted with secrets. “Learn to keep secrets and be trustworthy. You can never be happy through some other person’s misfortune”, he advised.
Paying glowing tributes to Esther, who did not allow her beauty and new status as queen to get into her head. She was modest and humble, and put her life on the line for her people who were totally dependent on God. Esther demonstrated that great power comes with great responsibilities.

Mary Magdalene was saved to serve.
She refused to be intimidated by any force and became a loyal disciple till the very end. “A true disciple serves God with everything”, James said.
Speaking about Mary and Martha, he described Martha as one of the deepest believers in the Bible who enjoyed the privilege of deep relationship and spiritual intimacy with Jesus. She believed in God’s healing and resurrection power, but prioritized physical hospitality to spiritual intimacy. While Mary, despite her known pain, agony and disappointment, priorities and beliefs were firm for God alone. She always sat at the feet of Jesus and did not run away or got distracted from God. “She was an epitome of true devotion and love for God. Proving that, you are as strong as the time you spend with God”.

Pastor James called on women to regenerate their heart love for God and not make a similar error of Martha by substituting physical hospitality to spiritual intimacy with God. “Never play religion and church to allow physical hospitality to substitute your spiritual life with God. Be more convinced of your dedication and commitment to God”, he declared.
He further advised, “love for others without genuine love for God is not love. Until a woman looks beyond primordial love and develops abundant love, she may not spare for her children. Word, worship and prayers should be the attitude of every christian woman”.

Pastor James, admonishing women, explained that a woman was made to be a compliment to her man and the question that should be uppermost in her mind is, “how can I help him to be better in all areas?” As a woman, you are made to be an addition and a blessing not a curse, he stated.
Giving insight to why the rules of marriage were made for God fearing people, he further admonished, “women should use all the ability and love God has given them to support and encourage their men always.

“Women don’t let the world, Nollywood, Bollywood, fantasy, society decline moral standards, culture and tradition shape you. Allow the word, worship and fellowship with God to shape you. Never go against God’s purpose. Accept the purpose of God and you will find fulfilment”, he lamented.
Answering some participants’ question burdening on marriage, Pastor James said, as Christianity is a covenant relationship with God, marriage also, is a covenant relationship with your spouse.

He warned women to be very careful before going into a marriage, especially not allowing reasons and excuses to lead them into marriage or spiritual sentiment to confuse them into marriage. Women should allow genuine conviction and understanding for reawakening to lead them into marriage”, he advised.
Sometimes, the disagreement of parents to marriage is not necessarily out of selfishness or wickedness, but God forcing you into His timing.

“If you eventually marry a man who is not a Christian, you need divine intervention to bring him to Christ. No woman can convert a man to be a Christian, it is only God that can touch his heart”, and cautioned, “the worst form of abuse is self abuse. Women should not wait till things get out of hand before opening up to whatever unpleasant things they are going through in their marriage”, Pastor James added.
Highlights of the congress was quality time spent to fervently pray diverse prayers and intercede for causes given rise to any situation in every home, family and marriage; God to open the eyes of women to appropriate the grace already lined up with God’s original intended plan
that has been given to them in Christ.

Also, for delayed marriages, barren women expectant mothers and children, including the heartbroken and shattered women.
Special prayers were made for the nation, asking God for mercy, healing and peace to rule and reign over every state and affairs of the nation above any work and strategy of evil doers.