Lagos PFN Chairman Blows Hot ….. to make some changes with plans for job creation
The Lagos State Chairman of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Apostle Enyinnanya Okwuonu has come hard on gross indiscipline and crazy for titles among the gospel ministers, especially Pentecostal pastors.
Apostle Okwuonu said plans are on the way to change the narratives in the state. He berated some young and upcoming ministers’ who, rather than focusing on their ministerial calling and working hard, to develop their foothold in the ministry, they chose to pursue and targeted the agenda of acquiring titles to boost their ego and as a yardstick to their ministry’s calling. PFN in Lagos State will change the narratives and ensure every Pentecostal minister is answerable to their calling and offices. Also we will maintain the sanity of the ministry with ministers bearing titles according to their calling and offices”, he said.

Okwuonu reiterated the PFN national body decision of rejecting the 1999 constitution of Nigeria and is raising 1.5 million Pentecostal members across the country to sign a petition in support of the rejection.
He declared the state PFN readiness to create a business establishment through her Commonwealth Cooperative Society for employment and job opportunity among Pentecostal youths in Lagos.

Apostle Okwuonu was speaking as the guest speaker during the 18th national convention of Glorious Grace Gospel Church, held in Epe, Lagos.
Quoting Proverbs 9:10 to buttress the convention theme, “The Beginning of Wisdom”. The Lagos PFN leader said, the fear of God, preceding the beginning of wisdom does not mean terrorising people but to give respect, honour and worship to God.

“The reason for impunity in the church and among Christians today is the lack of fear of the Lord that has denied us the wisdom of God to solve the situations in our lives”.
We have taken God for granted and the fear of the Lord is no more reigning supreme in our dealings.

Unfortunately, many ministers’ cannot be trusted or be trusted in any circumstances, yet they are in the ministry, even enjoying the popularity.
Some feel they are successful in the ministry and don’t need the fear of God anymore. That is why they can openly prophesy and tell lies, deceive and mislead people from the altar while speaking of their self worth instead of preaching the worth of the gospel and Christ. What most ministers’ do on the pulpit is self praising, instead of praising God. They believe having or pulling a crowd is wisdom”, he lamented.

Okwuonu bemoaned the effrontery of armed robbers breaking into a church and stealing instruments without the fear of something instant to happen because, the robbers already know there is no more fear of God in the church.
Admonishing gospel ministers, he said, we must return the church back to Jesus, the owner and be careful of what we do with the personality of Christ instead of ours. Pastors and ministers of the gospel should not propagandise and commercialize the gospel, but preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and nothing but Jesus.

Okwuonu called on Nigerians, Christians, ministers and the church to mend their ways and come back to the fear of God.
As a nation and society, to get adequate wisdom and be wise to have lasting solutions to our lingering predicaments and problems that defers solution, we must as a matter of fact, return back to the fear of God. We have forsaken the fear of God and lacking in wisdom, thereby creating rooms for crisis and confusion bedeviling our society.
“Nigeria needs prayer in this present situation, though measures and action are needed, there’s still the need to guide them with prayers. Mostly, Nigeria must return back the fear of God”, he emphasized.

Other activities during the 4 days national convention that attracted leading men and women of God from different churches in Epe Province, include seminar, outreach, ordination and thanksgiving.