Home Events Lagos CAN Chairman, Adegbite Urges Caution, berate false prophets

Lagos CAN Chairman, Adegbite Urges Caution, berate false prophets


Lagos CAN Chairman, Adegbite Urges Caution, berate false prophets

The Chairman, Christian Association of Nigeria ,(CAN), Lagos State chapter, Bishop Stephen Adegbite, has called on Nigerians to pray towards the May 29 handing over date, for peace to reign in Nigeria and people can go about their normal business peacefully. “Without peace, no one is safe. We should continue to pray together for the peace of Nigeria”, he said.

The Lagos State CAN Chairman, Bishop Stephen Adegbite, Special Guest of Honour at the Providence News 21 years anniversary thanksgiving/appreciation service held in Lagos, presenting an Award to Rev. Lookman on behalf of Rev. Bamidele James, with Gracious Akintayo, Editor/Publisher, Providence News.

Adegbite made the call during the Providence News, 21 years Thanksgiving/Appreciation service and inaugural PROKIHA Lecture, held recently in Lagos.


Providence News brand & PROKIHA Lecture identity

called on the president-elect and the incoming administration to be magnanimous in victory and bring everyone on board to build bridges across the different socio-cultural groups towards reuniting the country for holistic growth and development.

Gracious Akintayo, Editor/Publisher, Providence News delivering his address.

“Nobody can single handedly solve the problems of Nigeria; it is the responsibility of all Nigerians. All of us must work together, both the leaders and the led.”

Representatives of St. Finbarr’s College Old Boys Association (SFCOBA ’85 Set) led by the Chairman, Rasheed Akinlolu with Olubunmi Oshigbo and Rev. Femi Omotosho

“Moment we can do that, we are going to have a better Nigeria and it shall be well with all of us”, he said.

Gracious Akintayo (in the middle) with The Special Guest of Honour, Bishop Adegbite (in cap) Lagos State PFN Secretary, Apstl. Akin Akindejoye (2nd right), member of Lagos CAN Exco, Rev. Oyinlola (1st right) and PTL News Publisher, Mr. Julius Adegunna (1st left)

Following the outcomes of the 2023 general election, Adegbite admonished politicians and some clerics to be mindful of their statements and utterances to avoid heating up the polity.

Rev. Philip Modo (representating the Chairman, Archbishop John Osa-Oni) addressing the audience

According to Adegbite, “No one should play god. God has clearly spoken through the electorate and INEC has declared the results with the winners emerging. Everyone must obey the voice of God through the outcome of the election results, instead of claiming God say this or that will happen.”

L-R: Rev. Victor Bashola, Mr. Shola Apelehin, Gracious Akintayo, Mr. Peter, Bishop STV Adegbite, Apstl. Amin Akindejoye, Pastor Akinwale Akinola, Apstl. Lekan Odejimi & Mr. Julius Adegunna

“Politicians and clerics should stop making unguided and inflammatory statements capable of igniting and threatening the peace of the country. They need to be careful, not to mislead the people,” he said.

Rev. Modo presenting the Award to Mrs. Itunu Carrena, rep. Mrs. Caroline Martins-Ojo

“And if we have voted and INEC has announced the results; we should allow peace to reign and not to cause any confusion in the society. We should by now be praying for a solution rather than creating confusion, God is not an author of confusion”, he added.

Bishop Taiwo Ajose addressing the audience

Adegbite berated some clerics who claimed to be men of God, which they proved not to be by speaking anyhow because they want to be relevant.

The Special Guest of Honour, Bishop Adegbite felicitating with an awardee, Pastor Akinwale Akinola, PFN National Admin.

“Not all the people that called themselves men of God are truly Men of God, it is only those who are true Men of God that will say the right thing and won’t speak anyhow. If God has not spoken to you, must you speak by force? The prophets of old don’t speak anyhow and if they must speak, they will speak exactly the mind of God and it will surely come to pass. But, what we have today, most of those prophesying are perambulating and dicey who want to be heard through cheap popularity of prophesying with their prophecy not true, they are deceitful and not coming to pass, because, they are not from God”, Adegbite lamented.

Rev. Oyinlola in a relaxing mood during the service

In his remarks, the chairman of the occasion, Archbishop John Osa-Oni, the presiding Archbishop, Vineyard Christian Ministries and deputy national president (South-West) Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), represented by one the associate minister, Rev. Philip Modo commends the publication’s doggedness and focus to spread kingdom information and celebrating the glory of God in the life and endeavours of people. He spoke on a reward system that recognises kingdom services. “Give a good reward; give something that will value the kingdom and appreciate people.”

Rev. Prince Ezeonye Obed at the service.

Osa-Oni further urged participants to as a matter of necessity develop the attitude of giving gratitude to God, and individuals that have been used in one way or the other to impact lives, society and the church.

Meanwhile, in his welcome address, the editor and publisher of Providence News, Gracious Akintayo attributed the sustainable and consistent publication of these 21 years to God’s grace.

Rev. Victor Bashola, Rev. Philip Modo, Apstl. Akindejoye & Gracious Akintayo

He described the publication that built the bridge between the Christian community and the general society through her style of objective reporting and analysis report.

Prayer time

Highlight of the event was inaugural Providence Kingdom Honourary Award and Lecture (PROKIHA Lecture) with presentation of Award to Pastor Akinwale Akinola, PFN National Admin., UK based Mrs. Caroline Martins-Ojo, Bishop (Mrs.) Priscilla Otuya and Rev. Bamidele James for their dedication to kingdom services, dynamic contribution to the gospel, humanity and society.

Bishop (Mrs.) Priscilla Otuya receiving her Award assisted Christian Benefits Publisher, Mr. Wole Olurinde and others