JIMMY CARTER: America’s former Leader and Living Legend, …launches a new book, celebrates wife of 75 years
Not many, especially among the younger generation have heard, read or knew about the US 39th President, Mr. Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter, 97 and the 39th president of the United States (1977–81). An evangelical Christian and born again believer, also former Sunday school teacher for many years, who still keep his faith in God and once declared, “my faith in God completely made me at ease with death”.
He was awarded the global prestigious Nobel Prize for Peace in 2002, for his work in diplomacy and advocacy. Married his wife of 75 years, Rosalynn Carter, 93, in July 7, 1946 and they are blessed with four biological children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
As legacy, Jimmy Carter has written many inspiring and life experience books as a Christian, politician, leader, businessman and family man. The latest of the book to celebrate his 93 years birthday is “Faith”.