I’m Still Much Alive in the Ministry, Serving God – Rev. Felix Meduoye
Considering the present political and economic instability; insecurity, banditry, kidnapping and unwanted killings situation that is ravaging the country, the immediate past general overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria and currently, the President, Gracelife Ministry International (a nondenominational Christian outreach organization), Rev. Felix Meduoye has called on Christians in Nigeria to keep praying for the country and not relent in speaking positively for peace, stability and expected change of the country.

Rev. Felix Meduoye made his expression known about the present situation in Nigeria in a brief chat with Providence News during the 2024 Gracelife Widows Outreach programme held at Chapel of Christ the Light, Alausa, Ikeja. He said, “Christians, should continue to pray for Nigeria and her leadership, because those in authority are struggling to see the good things together and I am not sure they intend to have us in the present difficulties we are going through. I don’t think that’s their intention. For example, when they removed the first subsidy, I believe it was with the good intention that it will help us as a nation to direct our resources in a way that will help for development. But, you know, we are not God. They are not God. It is only God who can know the end from the beginning. It looks to me like what they are seeing themselves is a little bit more different, much different from what they are anticipating. So we just need to pray for them that God will help them to be able to handle the situations under God”.

Speaking on life and retirement as a general overseer, Rev. Meduoye said, first, I always thank God for the great privilege to serve in His Vineyard in that capacity and life after retirement as a G.O, to my understanding, is retirement from the office. But because I already have that in mind that it is retirement from office, it’s not retirement from the ministry. So I’m still very much alive in ministry, serving God. So it makes it interesting for me. I still see myself getting involved in much of the things that I know a Christian should be involved in. And as a matter of fact, I think it has helped me to also narrow down my area of involvement in such a way that it is really meeting my interests.

It would be right to say, retired to re-fire. But in truth, I did not retire from ministry. I only retired from office as G.O. So, I would say that I have not retired anytime. But from the G.O office activities and things like that, I retired.

Speaking on Gracelife Ministry International (GMI), Rev. Meduoye said, the primary objective of GMI as a benevolent ministry is to provide benevolent service to the vulnerable through outreaches, visitation, capacity development, supports and other ways that life can be impacted spiritually. “It’s been three years of the GMI and I’m so happy doing this ministry because it is a call from the Lord asking me to go ahead and do this. By the grace of God, I’ve done pastoral and other administrative work in the church before. So I’m glad that the Lord is asking me to do this at this time.”

Meduoye admonished the widows not to feel neglected, abandoned, frustrated in life, unwanted or unneeded. He assured them that they are in the original plan of God; He will not forsake them, but will surely continually be their husband and strong help. He charged them to take the opportunity of their position and make their life useful for God.

Rev. Meduoye appealed to every tier of government to remember the widows and not neglect their plights. He called on the society to treat widows with respect, care and love.