Do you have Christ or a form of Christ? By Babatunde Olugboji
In 2 Timothy 3, Paul outlines the characteristics of individuals in the final days. He cautions against those who exhibit a semblance of godliness while rejecting its true power, as noted in verse 5 and he instructs his protégé Timothy to completely distance himself from such individuals. Paul frequently employs contrast to underscore specific qualities he wishes to convey. In 2 Timothy 3:1–4, he enumerates various sinful behaviors and attitudes that oppose God’s intentions.
In verse 5, he advises Timothy to steer clear of those who profess Christianity verbally yet behave like non-believers, possessing only an outward appearance of godliness while denying its transformative power. Individuals who merely display a form of godliness engage in superficial religious practices. They project an image of piety, but their faith lacks substance, as their lives remain unchanged.
They may speak of God while continuing in sin, seemingly content with this contradiction. As a writer noted, such individuals, by claiming the Christian title and outwardly representing Christ, ultimately bring significant harm to the integrity of the Christian faith.
False Christians pose a significant threat, as Paul cautions that they will infiltrate homes and ensnare vulnerable individuals, particularly women burdened by sin and driven by various desires. He notes that these individuals are perpetually seeking knowledge yet fail to attain the truth (2 Timothy 3:6–7, NKJV).
Paul likens them to the malevolent magicians who opposed Moses, asserting that their foolishness and corrupt minds will ultimately be exposed (verses 8–9).
The transformative power of God, which should accompany genuine godliness, is manifested through the Holy Spirit, leading to profound changes in believers’ lives. The Holy Spirit resides within each believer (1 Corinthians 6:19) and empowers them to produce specific virtues: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23)
These qualities are indicative of a true Christian, contrasting sharply with the sinful behaviors listed by Paul in 2 Timothy 3:1–4. Paul’s guidance to Timothy aligns with James’ criteria for recognizing authentic faith (James 2:14–26). Genuine faith is naturally accompanied by good works.
If an individual claims to be a Christian yet fails to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit in their life, it is necessary to assess their authenticity and distance oneself from them. While they may exhibit a semblance of godliness, they are ultimately denying the power of God by not allowing the Spirit to govern their lives. If their faith is insincere, they cannot be influenced by God’s power, as the Holy Spirit does not reside within them.
The individual who is not spiritually awakened cannot comprehend the matters of the Spirit of God, viewing them as foolishness, and lacks the ability to grasp their true meaning, as they require spiritual insight. Such a person may outwardly appear to possess a semblance of piety, yet their lifestyle reflects a rejection of God’s power. True justification and the essential transformation can only be attained through faith in Jesus Christ.
Is your faith true faith, or just a form of godliness?
Have a great week.
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