Consistent Praise, Worship, and Thanksgiving Attracts God’s Presence – Apostle Joshua Olaoye
Apostle Joshua Olaoye, the general overseer of Triumphant Faith Global Church Inc., Owode-Ajegunle, Ikorodu, Lagos, has admonished that, whatever happens to a man in life, be it positive or negative, he should praise God. “If you consistently live with the spirit of praise, worship, and thanksgiving in your mouth, the evil spirit will find it difficult to keep you busy, to tie you down, and to continue harassing you.”
Apostle Olaoye made this known during the church’s annual 30-day prayer and fasting theme, “ENLARGEMENT on Every Side.” He further stated that praise, worship, and thanksgiving enable God’s presence to manifest around you. But when you live in murmuring, grumbling, and complaining, you are disconnected from God’s presence. The presence of God will always be in you, but the one around you will be disconnected.
“When you live in murmuring, complaints, and bitterness to the point that you begin to hate God, even making it open on social media, because it’s what you choose to believe as your worship”, he added.
Lamenting the state of many people’s dishonouring God, he decrees, “He further stated that praise, worship, and thanksgiving enable God’s presence to manifest around you. But when you live in murmuring, grumbling, and complaining, you are disconnected from God’s presencePeople are developing hatred towards God because of false teaching, wrong Christian foundation through false prophets and satanic pastchurch’s annual 30-day prayer and fasting theme, “ENLARGEMENT on Every Side.” He further stated that praise, worship, and thanksgiving enable God’s presence to manifest around you. But when you live in murmuring, grumbling, and complaining, you are disconnected from God’s presence whose goal is to dispossess people of their properties and resources without healthy spiritual life and growth that has misinformed and misled many to think all pastors are the same.
Quoting Jeremiah 29:11, he said, “You cannot hate God and get Him who has greater thoughts, plans and future for you. Amid the pains of life, you must learn to maintain praise and thanksgiving to God. Dance your way out of situations and prisons of life. Don’t get stuck with mourning, complaining and bitterness”.
“You cannot begin to hate the one who is the solution to your situation and expect to get redemption. God is the only solution to mankind’s problems and you can’t begin to hate Him and talk to Him for a solution. You cannot complain against God and expect His hand of help to stretch towards you. If you have lost touch with God, return to embrace Him again, He is not a wicked God”, he advised.
Olaoye emphasised that “God is a good God, He gives us a good and perfect gift from the above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all”.
Illustrating how God restored Job and gave him twice as much as he had. He explained that God gave him double and in his old age, he lost 10 children and God gave him back the same number of 10 children that died in a one-day accident, with the house also collapsing. If you think you have a problem, think of Mr. Job who had it worse than you and still taught us how to behave amid trouble.
Praise is a powerful weapon Job lost everything and they were waiting to see what he would say and do. But, he worshipped God and said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked will I return there. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised.” He worshipped God instead of complaining against God.
If Job had not sufficiently built, when everything he owned crashed, that would have been his end. Someone that God will make great, must be able to undergo great trials. If you are chicken-hearted and every little problem comes your way, you start crying, get scared and stop praying. Then claiming the Church is a scam, even your life will become a scam.
“Adversity will come to everyone, but adversity is not the problem, the problem is when it comes, your strength is small and you faint on the day of adversity. The problem solvers are great men and women who overcame their situation when it came and it came to pass. Whatever comes to you, come to pass, it must go while you stay”, Olaoye declared.
When you are small, you cannot have a problem. God will not take you to greatness. Greatness has a price, it has its challenges and battles to win. If you don’t have a strong heart to deal with small problems, God cannot give or take you to greatness because the trouble of greatness is big trouble.
Quoting more scriptural passages to buttress his points, Apostle Olaoye affirmed, that there is always a day of trouble and trouble comes to everyone which no one can run away from. But the attitude of how strong you are when passing through the situation matters because God promised, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the river, it shall not overwhelm you when you walk through the fire, it shall not burn you”.
When people without faith faint and do not stand on the word of God, not living in the word of God, any little thing that comes to them, they will go down and never rise again. That’s why Saul falls, he crashes and never rises again, he remarked.
“But take everything from a man of faith who is standing on the word of God, he will get it back and recover everything in many folds that will shock the world. A man of faith will produce something from nothing because, God’s word created everything, preserves, and restores”.
“A man of faith cannot die, because he has a covenant with God. It’s impossible to pull down a man of faith, a project and business founded on the word of God”, Olaoye charged.
“Many times, life is unfair and doesn’t treat you fairly. But God is always fair, just and righteous. Whatever life throws at you, take it to God, He will turn it into raw material and fashion something new out of it for you”, he admonished.
“You don’t do things according to your feelings, you walk by faith, not by sight, by feelings, emotions or what you see and hear”, Olaoye advised.
“Never allow some angry bastards preaching frustration and delusion on the pulpit tossed you around because they also are delusional and pregnant with confusion to give birth to another set of bastards”, he stated.