Home Features Think Right, Plan Right: Welcome to 2023 By Babatunde Olugboji

Think Right, Plan Right: Welcome to 2023 By Babatunde Olugboji


Think Right, Plan Right: Welcome to 2023 By Babatunde Olugboji 

Happy New Year! 

2022 was a year when many of us faced all kinds of challenges. It was the year when Russia invaded Ukraine. Remnants of Covid-19 and its attendant issues, and other diseases were still raging in some parts of the world. 

For many of us, our carefully laid plans for 2022 were disrupted, forcing us to ask some difficult questions: why should we plan for 2023 when we do not know what the new year will bring, when it could be another 2022? Won’t it be a waste of time to start planning so early in the new year? 

Note that as followers of Christ, we are not exempted from the vicissitudes of life. We buy food and other things in the same shops as unbelievers do, we pursue careers as unbelievers, we invest in similar financial instruments. That was why Jesus said: In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world (John 16:33). 

Life brings challenges and difficulties, and like someone once said, ‘Right thinking ushers in right planning. And right planning ushers in right actions.’

For you to have a great year, you must put in a shift, in partnership with God. It is not the time to fold hands and say, ‘que sera sera’ (what will be will be). It is time to collaborate with God and present to Him something to bless. The Bible says God will bless the work of our hands (Deuteronomy 28:12), so if we don’t have anything to do, what will God bless? Here is one key thing to do early in the New Year: Forget the difficulties of 2022, see 2023 as an opportunity to reset and get things right. 

In 2022, maybe you were looking for a spouse, or a new job, a baby; write a book, or have a change of career. But for various reasons, you were not able to accomplish these goals. Or maybe your health was flagging. Maybe you got some things wrong in 2022. Maybe your goals were not actionable. Maybe they were too ambitious. Things might not have lined up for you not because you did something wrong. Sometimes life deals us a wrong hand. But remember what Apostle Paul said: ‘Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead (Philippians 3:13). 

Thank God you still have the breath of God inside of you. These setbacks are not enough to keep you stuck in 2022 mode for the rest of your life. Do not allow challenges of yesterday to destroy the  peace of today and progress of tomorrow. Make a firm decision to move on from these disappointments. Something becomes a failure only when you fail to try and try again. This is a brand-new year with brand new blessings, an opportunity to reset and get things right. 

Have a great week and a good year ahead!

Kingdom Dynamics, a weekly column  written by Dr. Babatunde Olugboji, the President, Kingdom House, a non-profit organization in New Jersey, USA.

Join Babatunde Olugboji live on Facebook & Youtube every Sunday at 7am (EST) for an insightful time of The Word.

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