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Rev. Sam Aboyeji, G.O, Foursquare Gospel Church Appoints Philip Emopkae and Bola Adams as Members, NEC


Rev. Sam Aboyeji, G.O, Foursquare Gospel Church Appoints Philip Emopkae and Bola Adams as Members, NEC 

The General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church Nigeria, Rev. Sam Aboyeji has announced the appointment of two respected members and leaders in the church, Dr. Philip Osarenren Emopkae and Rev. (Mrs.) Bola Adams into the highest decision making body, National Executive Council (NEC) of the Church in Nigeria.

The National Executive Council (NEC) is the highest decision body of FGCN and is made up of the G.O, and his wife, as the head with 42 other potential members that includes members of the board (consisting of the Nat. Secretary, Nat. Treasurer, Dir. of Home Mission etc.), the National Ministerial Council (NMC), other Arms of the church (that includes, Provost’s of LIFE, National Presidents, FEI & CFM, National Coordinators Youth & Teens, among others etc).

Rev. Aboyeji announced the appointment of the new NEC members who are expected to bring their wealth of experience to bear for the benefits of the church, at the end of the church 3 days NEC Meeting held at Ajebo Campground of the church last week.

Before their appointments, Rev. (Dr.) Emokpae and Rev. (Mrs.) Adams are noteworthy kingdom partners who have distinguished themselves as Christians and successful professionals in their various fields of endeavour. Also, as members of the church they have respectively served in various capacity and leadership positions of the church as workers, ministers and leaders. 

Dr. Osarenren Emokpae is a boardroom player and sits atop many blue chip organizations as the chairman. A fellow of many professional bodies, including a patron of Media Independent Practitioners Association of Nigeria (MIPAN). He is presently a member of the board of Trustees of McPherson University, Past Chairman Foursquare Institute of Leadership and Future Studies. Also, the Chairman Havilah Open Door Group (HOD). Founder, ED-JOHN Institute of Management & Technology (formerly, Philips Business School (PBS)) and current Chairman, Wilson Badejo Foundation (WBF).

Rev. (Mrs.) Bola Adams is a successful professional, counselor, conference speaker and entrepreneur. A notable philanthropist and current Secretary, Board of Trustees (BoT), McPherson University (McU). She is also a member, Board of Trustee, Wilson Badejo Foundation (WBF).