Giving of First Fruit Is A Choice -Bishop Sam Oniekoro
The deputy head of mission, Gospel Church of Christ Worldwide, Bishop Sam Oniekoro, has given an insight into how a believer can benefit from the profit and gains of giving the first fruit with its added advantage.
Bishop Oniekoro made this known while speaking on profitability of the first fruit. He said, profitability of the first fruit is quantified gain we received from God as a result of obedience to His commandment to honour God with the first fruit.
Quoting David’s statement in Psalm 119: 8-10, on how a man can attain success and fully maximize his life potentials, “for you to live a stable and steady life, you must take heed unto the word”, he said.
There are divine laws, statutes, commandments and principles through the word of God that without diluting it to suit our purpose, guarantee durable blessings.
Therefore, to experience the fullness of God; practical keeping and living according to the word of God without sin is what guarantees the blessings of God and maximizing life potentials, he added.
Quoting several scriptures to support his points, Oniekoro explained some principles and benefits in giving the first fruit. “No matter how old the Bible is, be it the Old Testament or New Testament, the Bible is still now. An infallible word of God that speaks relevance to our today’s life purpose”.
He stated that, to have the blessings of God and live in abundance without sorrow, diligent obedience and careful observation to the word of God is the surest way. “There is no shortcut to the blessings of God. Diligent obedience and harking unto the word to pattern our lives will make the blessings of God pursue and overtake us”, Oniekoro declared.
To be free from poverty, curses, depression and lack, the law of liberty must be considered and anyone who looks into the law of liberty and is not a forgetful hearer, but doers of the word will receive the blessings of God.
Supporting his claims of profitability of first fruit Bishop Oniekoro gave examples of some Bible characters, who without and before the law, demonstrated honour to God with their first fruit and the outcome remains indelible and remarkable.
Referring to Abel and Cain, also Noah, he said, Cain and Abel who started it, gave before the law and commandment. Nobody taught or instructed them and how they came up with the idea of giving to God, can only be known by God.
While Cain brought out of his increase, an offering to God, Abel brought out of his increase, the firstling, the first and the best. Even when his brother succeeded in killing him and he died, Abel blood refused to rest, it was speaking and crying for vengeance. “There are men who gave their first fruit to God, even at death, their blood was speaks”, he stated.
Noah, also, before the law and commandment, after the flood and coming out of the Ark with all the living things with him, including his wife and children. He considered the love of God to start a new life and decided to honour God with first of every beast that would have given him increase and gain. He selected and picked the best of the firstling, raised an altar and gave the first offering to God. God respected it and was pleased, promising not to destroy the earth with flood again.
Speaking further, Oniekoro said, first fruit is not monthly, weekly or daily giving. It was a yearly commandment and according to the process of time.
“No farmer, who desires a great harvest tomorrow will plant anyhow seed today, but the best, even, if it will make him go hungry”.
“No one should consider today to give his first fruit, but should consider the outcome tomorrow”, he counsel.
Oniekoro emphasized that, before the law, giving of first fruit was an honour to God and not to a pastor. God is not forceful, He gives you two coins to willingly choose one. “First fruit is a choice”, he said.
Berating criticism and outcry over giving to God from a certain quarter, Oniekoro said, first fruit and tithe are portions that belong to God and receiving it varies across denominations according to their tradition.
No matter how highly placed a man of God, first fruit does not belong to him, it is for the beautification and development of the house of God. Also for the remembrance of the poor, widow and the less privileged. The priests and pastors are only representatives of God and they are accountable to God for receiving it and how they use it on His behalf.
“God is the owner of the earth. Human beings are just being critical, in the law of every country, the government demands royalty and homage as a sign of honour and respect. People pay tax, derivation, royalty and vat every time without raising an eyebrow”.
“As users of the earth, who are we or what do we have to contest and consider ourselves as co-builder and partners with God. To complain and criticize what is given or that belongs to Him?”.
The new testament apostles and disciples gave all including wives and children to follow Jesus without complaining, lamenting or criticisms. What is it that we have that God has not given to us? Oniekoro asked.
Bishop Oniekoro outlined the gains of giving first fruit as command and covenant of not just a blessing, but unquantified and inaccessible blessing. Including, guaranteed safety, divine healing, victory over losses, reestablishment, unliquidated account and eternal rest.