Home Inspirational VICTORY OVER BLOODLINE BATTLES -By John Adeyemi




Author: Pastor John Debo Adeyemi

Foreword: Pastor Wale Oladiyun

Pages: 120


An informed man is a reformed man and knowledge, ends needless suffering and pains; these are pointers to knowledge that will be acquire and gain through this revealing, expository and instructive book, “Victory Over Bloodline Battles” that exposes hidden facts and guides to win the battles of bloodline.


Life is full of mysteries. Many wonder and cannot explain or unravel the cause of their predicaments and why they still experience some attacks and chronic problems long after confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal saviour. They are born-again, sanctified and on fire for the Lord. Yet they are still manifesting unexplainable battles complicating their faith; confusing their expectations and frustrating their unanswered questions. The answer to these issues is what the Holy Spirit diligently reveals and expose through the author in the book “Victory Over Bloodline Battles” with the purpose of bringing desired total healing, deliverance and freedom from hidden and lingering issues of life to as many that may read the book.


The objective of the book is to give incisive and insightful revelations that are cohesive to knowledge and mysteries many, especially spirit-filled and genuine born again Christians, who are ignorant and are dying silently of bloodlines battles, the clearly guidelines on how to deal with them and be totally free.


The is need to understand that most of the battles we are facing in life are traceable to our origin or root –Bloodline and bloodline can be defined as direct line of descent or pedigree. It involves all the members of a family group over generations, especially regarding characteristics common to that group. You can call it ancestry; lineage, line of descent, blood, parentage, origin, descent line or family tree.


The clearly printed, readable and easy to understand 120 pages book, Victory Over Bloodline Battles is divided into seven chapters and it made concerted effort to unravel fundamental issues that one way or the other are rooted factors that connect every applicable life difficult situation and circumstances to man, especially born again, spirit filled and zealous for God Christians who still battle with complicated, confused and disappointed life of not manifesting the expected promises of God. This can be frustrating, heartbroken and depressing and may lead to abnormal life.


Victory Over Bloodline Battles may not be applicable to everyone, but to people who affirm they:

  • Dislike the detours on the road to their destiny and long to find a clear direction.
  • Are ready to get rid of the negative family attributes and patterns they see in their family and are looking for ways to change them.
  • Desire freedom from addictions, bad habits, dirty thoughts and other hindrances in their lineage.
  • Want to fulfill life and destiny and gain total victory over battles affecting their life.
  • Want to leave their family better than how they met it.
  • Want to store up equity and not iniquity for their next generation and get deliverance from bloodline battles.


The author, John Debo Adeyemi, Phd., Senior Pastor, The Glory of His Coming Evangelical Mission (Glory Impact Centre), Magboro by Lagos/Ibadan Expressway in Ogun State, Nigeria gave scriptural passages that refer and corroborate the title and objective of the book. He diligently cautioned on the need to guide ones spiritual life jealously, amplifying the importance of equipping, preparing and updating the future generation to avert devastated life. He asserted, “As a child of God, it is an insult if you allow the powers that rubbished your ancestors to rubbish your destiny and it is a tragedy when battles of your ancestors are repeated in your life and you are busy paying your grandfather’s bill; rather than moving to next higher level in life”. 


Also, the book illuminates principles with prayer points that encouraged and inspired to understand the roots and circumstances that might have occur and steps to be taken in dealing with them decisively.


As you read the highly recommended book, believe the contents, understand the revelations, draw knowledge from it and be inspired to practice the added biblical principles.


The encounter and exposures will bring a positive change that will impact your situation and rewrite your family history.


To get a copy or copies of the book, call or text: 08036663537 or 08037645424